Ultraviolet light and its application through technology / Helps to eliminate the spread of Covid-19

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Gif_Aplicación de la luz ultravioleta.gif


It is no secret that with the essential phenomenon of light we have managed to capture our precious environment, both the closest and the highest of our external universe, and also to implement these learnings in the design or manufacture of vital instruments, devices or optical tools created by man artificially for a certain purpose.

Before going into context, it is important to highlight that white or visible light to our eyes is an electromagnetic radiation, and therefore, represents a portion of the recognized electromagnetic spectrum, and the latter is made up almost entirely of radiation with wavelengths outside our visual range, that is, frequencies that are impossible to capture with our eyes, among them is ultraviolet light, and for this we know its referential fraction in the electromagnetic spectrum as we will see below in the following figure 1.

Figure 1. Ultraviolet light spectrum


From the previous figure 1, it is important to highlight that the UVA sub-fraction is also known as long wave UV, while the UVB sub-fraction is also known as medium wave length UV, and the UVC sub-fraction can also be called short wave UV, essential characteristics to know its applications in various areas of our vital development, including health care, as is the point raised in this article.

Therefore, one of the multiple applications of this type of electromagnetic radiation, such as ultraviolet light, is to be germicidal because it manages to neutralize some microorganisms, and this through the technological application in the development of lamps or devices that have special crystal filters, and these at the same time are made using chemical elements such as barium-sodium silicate and nickel oxide.

Therefore, the previous application of ultraviolet light is proven for the treatment of water, air or certain surfaces or biologically contaminated areas, the above feature allowed the wonderful finding, where it has been shown that with the implementation of ultraviolet light of the sub-region UV short wave, such radiation manages to eliminate the spread of the Covid-19 virus, this at hospital level and of vital importance to maintain decontaminated important areas such as intensive care, among others.

This makes us highlight the immense task of the nexus between science-technology because through these tools we have managed to use any kind of knowledge extracted from our environment in our favor, and thus, welfare in every way, as mentioned on this occasion with the sterilization through the use of ultraviolet light to destroy or eliminate certain microbial existence.


We have always had the ability to learn from everything that surrounds us, especially those phenomena that develop in our precious environment, this time it is important to note that although ultraviolet rays are imperceptible to our eyes, this feature has not limited us to implement it in our favor as we describe on this occasion, and even more to combat this terrible pandemic of Covid-19 that plagues us at the planetary level.

Many are the applications of ultraviolet light in electronic devices or lamps and the same implemented for the realization of certain daily activities of man, activities such as the detection of some traces or marks not perceived by our sight as we can see below in the following figure 2.

Figure 2. Implementation of ultraviolet light


Until another opportunity my dear and valued readers.

Note: Figure 1 was created using Power Point and the animated gifs with the PhotoScape application, the photostatic images were captured by the camera of the ZTE BLU Life Play 2 cell phone.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1]Luz ultravioleta para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19

[2]Ultraviolet rays / Structuring the electromagnetic spectrum. Author: @rbalzan79


Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, especially to the members of the @Project-hope community, as usual we will continue to observe our wonderful environment in order to continue highlighting the essential task of the science-technology nexus, since due to our conceptualization we have shown that technology is nothing but applied science.

I've always read that it's harmful but its use in technology is more than wonderful

Greetings @reviewzzz.

Thanks for commenting, the dangerous thing about ultraviolet light is a long exposure of our body to it, the Sun provides us with ultraviolet light which helps us to get some vitamins for our body, but, the sun rays from early hours of the day. Greetings.

Using UV light technology can complement other hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and surface cleaning, by providing an additional layer of protection. It’s particularly useful in areas where high-touch surfaces and air quality are a concern for a practical and effective solution, you might consider using UV lamps designed for home use. I recently found a reliable option at this site https://uv-lamp.id/products/lampu-uv/ their UV lamps are specifically designed to help reduce germs and bacteria, and they come with features that ensure safe and efficient use at home.