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RE: Things To Consider While Falling For "DeFI".

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Gas fees:
While calculating your profits, make sure to calculate the gas fees for your actual investment. You have to pay fees for:
Token purchasing.
Approving liquidity pool pair.
Approving LP staking.
Removing liquidity.
You should never count your profit by neglecting gas fees.

I see this as a very important point and it is the one that I take as the most important when making an investment, of course I evaluate other factors but it seems very important to take this into account so as not to be undercapitalized. As always the best recommendation is DYOR, research and analyze a lot before making any decision and fall into traps that when they promise something too good,they generally end up being a scam.


Yeah. I have been personally scammed by some of the projects. Then I started researching, that is the best and important part before falling for any defi project.