Dressing has remained one of the integral parts of the human culture. By culture, I mean the way people live and interact with their environment. Dressing has served more purpose than just covering our nakedness - even though that was what it was intended to do. According to research, making and wearing of clothes dated as far back as 170,000 years ago and that was what aided the early hominids to keep themselves warm during their migration. However, we now see clothes differently.

You will agree with me that there is a level of feeling attached to particular clothing style. Yes, the clothes you wear can actually affect your behavioural pattern. A few weeks back, I wore a particular attire to a public function, I noticed that my carriage and behaviour tilted a bit to represent the particular tribe I wore their attire even though I am not from that tribe.
More than we may think, the way people address us can also be a function of how we dress. The truth is, there are many dress codes for various events. One of the reasons for this is for proper addressing. For a job seeker going for an interview in a corporate environment, you are not expected to dress like a footballer going for training, you are supposed to dress as a potential employee. A friend of mine once told me "for an interview, you dress for the job you want, not for the job you have".
People who value their personality will also place value on what they wear and how they wear it. This is because, the human mind will be quick to judge people based on their appearance and this is evidenced in what they wear.
In marketing for example, there is what is called "branding". Many products can have the same function but the way one is packaged and branded can make it more appealing to the potential customers. This same thing is applicable when we talk about dressing. How you present yourself to the world matters a lot, because the first impression stays longer in the mind of people. More so, you should understand that the world is your customer and you have to sell yourself first before any other thing you have can be sold.
Dressing well does not mean living outside your budget or hanging your bag beyond where your hands can reach. Even with a cheap material worn rightly, you can appear very good and smart, it does not have to be a designer wear. Someone can wear very a expensive outfit and still not be up to par in terms of looking smart.
Whatever your choice of dress is, just try to answer this question first "what does this dress tell about my personality?". Believe me, words are not the only tool of communication, even our appearance and dressing has a way of communicating visually to others, with or without our consent. This is why we need to be cautious of the way we dress. The watchword should be "dress the way you want others to address you".

You may have a very good character or you may be very smart and kind-hearted but something will have to attract you to someone first before they see the potentials in you. Your appearance is one of them. Note this: a wrong first impression you create in someone's mind will go a very long way to becloud their sense of judgement about you. So, do not be careless about your appearance.
Thanks for reading
There is a saying in Hindi...."Jaisa desh waisa Bhesh" in english it goes like As the country is, same should be the guise or we say when in Rome do as Romans do.
Wearing a cloth similar to a specific society helps one to mingle easily.
Wow! I'm just hearing this Hindi saying for the first time. I love it.
Exactly, it is easier to identify with people when you dress like them. Thanks a lot for dropping by buddy
Hahah....I keep introducing you with many good hindi saying, hope sooner you get master on it..😉
Sure, it will be my honour. Thanks a lot buddy
the way you dress is the way you are addressed.
Exactly. This is why we need to be careful of the way we look and how we dress. Thanks for coming buddy
The truth is that I think the media and social networks have done a lot in terms of overvaluing clothes, watches, among other things, which for me are superficial
However, you can't underestimate it, much less considering that for most it is something important, it is the first thing they see. I also think it should be in line with what you're wearing. This clothing that you wear in a certain way can condition us to behave in a particular way. I have also experienced this.
It's a post with many nuances, of which much can be said, actually.
Thank you for sharing it. It was good to read you.Hello @samminator, as usual with an interesting topic.
I'm really honoured by your presence and the nice comment. Yeah, our clothes are the first thing people see even before any interaction has taken place, so the way we dress tends to create the first impression. This is why we can't be careless about our dressing.
Thanks for the comment buddy
I agree with this statement. People communicate not only through words. We use all sorts of nonverbal cues to send our message across. If I look at someone that looks careless about their appearance, I think they are sending a message that they are careless.
Dress appropriately at all times.
But don't obsessed with your clothing though. It can help but it's not everything.
Yeah, the way we dress can communicate to others and it may create a mental picture of us in the person's mind.
Thanks for the comment
Very interesting approach on the topic, @samminator.
It is amazing (not in a good meaning and at the same time retrograde) how the way we dress dictates our rules in a social environment (at all levels).
Exactly, that's how the human mind has been conditioned over-time. Society now majorly base their judgment on perception (of which appearance forms a major part).
Thanks for coming around buddy
@samminator first of all I like to say first impression is the last impression , if you impression anyone in the first 5 min then you wi get success in all business deal or in life.
Wow! I love the statement you made here. Of course, first impression tends to last longer in the minds of people.
Thanks for this nice comment buddy