my business idea:
bring solar energy to the cities
if you walk around in the cities you can see, that nealy no house has solar energy PV (photovoltaic) panels on the rooftop. In rural areas that is much more common. As a lot of electricity is demanded in big cities one would ask why this is the case?
The question is simple:
Many buildings in the city are multi party rental houses belonging to landlords that do not live there.
Solarenergy production from the own roof has the highest financial and ecological return if you can consume our own electricity in your own house.. as it often happens in rural areas in singel family homes..
So how to bring the electrictiy from the rental house to the tenants?
Problem is: In most countries you need a power producer licence to sell electricity to third parties.. and the metering is very very complicated...
So no way the regular landlord can do this.
The solution:
Setting up a company that has a power-producer licence, rents the roof top from the landlord, installs solar PV panels and a smart meter, aquires tenants as electricity customers (cheaper tariff than the local utility) and does the metering, invoicing and blling by hive blockchain and by Dapp access.
Entry 6
Good point!
And as an addition to the solution, putting more energy producing systems to the cities in a way where it absorbs heat around the cities' buildings, concrete walls, asphalts and cemented streets. There's more heat(referred to heat index) at the lower part of an urban place than those on elevated parts or rooftops.
correct, excellent point
I had an idea of donating money to solar-panel companies, so they could offer 50% on a limited amount of solar panels :D
even in developing countries BOS cost (balanca of system, everythig but the solar panel to build the whole thing) is the major portion of the total cost..
so you would not need to rebate the panels but teach people how to install the pannels on a reliable and clever way, find lokal sourcing for the supporting structure and wiring...
I just had the idea, not much research have gone into this tho :p
come on.. this is the time to excell.. to get from ideas to concepts to plans to reality to success... ;-)
You can become a solar coach, @solarwarrior
Hey chrisaiki...
did you actually run this thing?
I never found someone who like the three items at the same time: solar energy, multi level marketing and crypto. But you could be the first one ?
I am looking for someone that would elaborate marketing document for this thing.
chrisaiki... we can talk on personal chat.. but you will not like what I have to say.. the headline of the idea is not bad.. solar energy, multi level marketing and crypto... but what you wrote down in your above linked steem post is "the mother of all ponzis".. seriously... its just a classic ponzi.. solar does not make any difference for your scheme... could be a hotel or a forest, too.. I did not do the math.. but to come up with 20 Mio. USD to build this 20 MW PV plant you would probabyl need your victims to spend (and loose) over a billion USD in total.. that's Madoff level.. you seem like a smart guy.. why such an evil approach?
and: for a 20 MW plant you would not even need 20 Mio. USD as banks easily finance that thing by 80% - you "only" need 4 Mio. equity and that you can collect by normal ways of cash raise.. no ponzi required.. normal comissons are 2,5% to 5% for such equity raisings.. not the 50% you need in your scheme...
and 2.: why large solar PV, why not use blockchain and build small distributed PV grid in rural areas of developing countries?
No, I am not evil at all, at least this is what I think about me. With more than 500 posts on the blockchain, anybody can look at my posts and decide if I am evil or not, this is the beauty of this social network.

Today, I am a math teacher, and I teach online due to the situation, so let’s do some math.
From the 200 € investment from a new member, 150 € (75%) is going to the network and 50 € ( 25 %) to finance the solar plant.
100 € to recruit a new member is not a big amount, it is requiring at least 5 hours to explain the process, probably closer to 10 hours, so this represent a 10-20 € /hour wage, before taxes.
Every new member in the network has the same opportunity to earn a decent wage, because it is limited to 2 levels. We will probably not exceed more than 100 million people in the network, so even the last people joining the network can still earn his investment back.
Financing the project : yes, you can build a solar plant with only 25 % of the asset, but our new bank is Hive, not an old fashion one, why should we give work to a bank when solar energy is such a good business ?
I am not sure that it is the right place to discuss this project, I can re-write the 2017 post. If you have a better solution to implement a solar company, I am interested to know what you are proposing.
In 2010, I built a solar PV shelter to load the batteries of the electric vehicles of the French Institute for solar energy in Le-Bourget-du-Lac.
I said why such an evil approach? not that you are evil.. ;-)
OK.. if its only a two level MLM (from the looks of your steem post I assume its not) then you are only wasting 60 Mio.. for sales... and 20 for the plant.. but banks give you 80% of the total investment more or less for no interest.. so why not use this.. and this brings down the money you need to "only" 4 Mio...
I like that PV plant above! Great work!
In regards to MLM: For retail goods (groceries etc.) a markup of 50% - 100% is fine.. like in any retail business.. hence a 33% to 50% cut for the sales structure is fine.. for investment products however its only around 2,5% to 5%.. otherwise the investor will never make a positve return on his investment... so everything cut wise above 10% in MLM is more or less unsustainable.. and a 75% cut for a MLM structure is definitelly a ponzi.. so right idea but wrong sales structure I would say..
You are welcome to pursue the discussion here :