How to Boost your Business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

How to boost your business

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....Message Previous Customers:
Don't just ignore your previous customers because they have already purchased your goods, message them, send them reminders that you have better goods that they will be pleased with, because they are very important to your business, you can not grow without them.

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.....Create a Social Media Account:
If you really want your business to grow you need to create a social media account with your business name, post pictures there, advertise your goods, make it enticing. Social media have really gone beyond just reading stories and whyning away time, make use of the social media to earn money and to grow your business brand

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....... Offer a Discount/Giveaway
You want people to patronize you? Then give them discounts and you will see them coming back to your store, do giveaway and the customers will be the one always looking up for your next sales, but while doing it do it in a way that it will not affect your capital and profit. For example a female top worth $100 while the trouser worth $200, if I want to offer it in a giveaway strategy I can choose to say buy the trouser for $280/$300 and get the top for free, people would want to rush it not knowing I have already sum up the two wears.

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....Read a Book to Improve Yourself:
You can only improve your business if you improve yourself, read books that have been written by successful business owners you admire, Reading is a wonderful way of learning something new and educate yourself. The more you read the more you discover hidden steps to take in order to improve your business to the stage you aim at.

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.......Ask for Reviews and or Referrals:
Always keep in touch with those that purchased from you to know their feedbacks about what you sold to them, let them pour out their mind to you concerning it, don't feel bad if you get negative comments it will only push you to do better and wonderful next time. It's not a bad idea if you ask your customers for referrals, let them refer you to their other friends, with that you will get new customers and in no time your brand name will go viral.


It may be difficult to keep up with checking up on customers but it is the best thing to do, customer referrals are really good and they go a long way to make things work better for your business.