¿Will there be life on the moon?

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

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Apparently yes, on this occasion I want to talk to you about Los Tardigrados or "Sea Bears", but what is known about them, they were discovered since the 18th century by the German Protestant zoologist and shepherd Johann Angust Ephraim Goeze. These animals resemble an eight-legged worm with nails. Despite its animal nature, it has characteristics more typical of viruses and bacteria, they have been found on the tops of mountains, in scorched deserts and in the subglaciated lakes of Antarctica, while they remain dormant (a state known as cryptobiosis) Tardigrades do not age what is known as the "sleeping beauty effect", they are tiny, measuring about half a millimeter, but according to studies they are capable of surviving in the most hostile environment.

They easily withstand temperatures that go from 200 ° degrees below zero to more than 150 ° well above the boiling point of water. They are the only living beings capable of surviving in a drought since they have the ability to eliminate all the water from their body and encapsulate themselves in a dormant state.

On April 11, 2019, Beresheet, which in Hebrew means "the beginning", the small unmanned Israeli spacecraft weighing about 600 kilograms and 1.5 meters high launched by the Israeli non-profit organization SpecIL, was programmed to landing on the lunar surface but crashed in the latter part of its journey at about 149 meters. of the lunar surface.

¡Now good!

To know how thousands of tardigrades ended up on the moon, you have to understand why Baresheet (the spacecraft) took them on board in his ship, we owe everything to Arch Mission Foundation whose objective is to create a "copy of safety of planet earth, "said organization created an archive of 30 million pages of information that was sent to the moon to preserve it, thousands of high resolution images, almost all of Wikipedia, thousands of classic books, samples of human blood and thousands dehydrated tardigrades protected with layers of resin and more curiosities of the earth. All in twenty-five micron-thick nickel layers. It is believed that due to the small size of the box with the backup and the resin with the tardigrades at the time of impact, it is very likely that the tardigrades were saved and of course the tardigrades as well.

In conclusion; we will have to wait for it to be confirmed that the lunar library is in good condition and then find out if these beings can stay alive, although it is true that a myth has been created around the tardigrades about their extreme survival since right now they are dehydrated and in a state from which they cannot be recovered unless they are in optimal environmental conditions and with the help of humans.
You have to go to the moon, to resurrect them because right now they are in the * Sea of Serenides * with no one to take care of them.

👧My way of seeing life Area73.



Greetings, friend, always support us with good material to our community, it seems a lie but these things about the conquest of spaces keep mystery and not myths, since some things go public.

Thanks for your comment, friend @newton666

What the purpose to send the library to the moon?

It is a compilation of all beings and our existence as part of a future expansion project.

I know that there are thermoresistant microorganisms, but I had no idea that they made the moon crash, I find it very curious.
And the purpose, to preserve information?
Even stranger, but it's likely that there's a lake beyond it, something that won't come to light until the moon is out.

Thank you for your comment, there are other missions that one does not know, but this one she was carried out