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RE: Project.Hope contest: Your worst investment experience

in Project HOPE5 years ago

My entry:

It is only of recent that I started investing money into Crypto being I didn't have a full knowledge back then. So,there's no worst crypto investment yet for me and I will ensure it continues to remain so cause I'm learning from the mistakes of others.

However, I do have a terrible investment experience but not with Crypto. In 2017 when we had so many Ponzi schemes coming to bare like MMM, Clarita, Twinkas, UltimateCycler etc.. I invested N5000 into Twinkas and within 4 days, I got N10000; that's 100% profit.

With the excitement, I now invested over N25,000 into it again just to wake one morning to discover that the site has crashed. I had also told some of my friends who also invested bigger amounts only for them to lose their money.

It was really terrible. From that year forward, I have never involved myself in anything Ponzi scheme. I learnt the hard way.

 5 years ago  

Entry 29

 5 years ago  

Thank you very much for sharing your story!