Don't have your trust in money... even though it make make you feel good!

I have an application on my cell phone that is named Blockfolio. It shows me the total value of my portfolio, and it has grown quite a lot in the last few months. It feels really good to look at it, and it makes me feel good about myself, and a little bit proud. And yes, those are natural feelings, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The goal here isn't to preach, but there is a verse in the Bible that is important to remember when it comes to the way we deal with money. Check it out:

And he (Jesus) told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

What is the point of the story? Life can change in so many ways, and what we own can disappear within a day. That is why we always need to keep our real values in other things, and not in the money.

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We should absolutely celebrate our victories, we should have fun, and we should take joy in seeing growth in our portfolio and in the success of our work. But, in the end - our final joy and safety shouldn't be in the money (or crypto), because things can change so quickly, and just like in the parable, our lives might end all of a sudden or the barn in which we have stored our values might burn to the ground. And then... what will happen with us then?

What is the point of this article?

I don't want to give you a final answer and tell you what to think. You can do that yourself. But, read through the article and let it speak to you. What does this mean to you? I believe that the same message speaks to us all in different ways, and thus, it might mean something completely different to you than it does to me!

So, have you thought about this? I would love to hear from you!


I really love the verses of the scripture you quoted here about the parable of the "rich fool". This goes to prove that we should not put our trust in money. Just like a friend used to say "if you trust money, it will fail you". I think we should focus more on the values to create with money instead of trying to acquire money by all means.
Nice piece as usual buddy

Wow, thank you for the comment, and so good that we can keep on reminding ourselves about the true values in life! :)

Money can always fail at anytime and it is always best to impact the lives of as many people as we can, that is a true measure of success.

Yeah - I believe money is a success (in part), but the true measure of success that should be appreciated and celebrated is something else!

Hello @unbiasedwriter, very good reflection in relation to the value of money, ie what it represents in the lives of people, beyond its purchasing power, which is necessary to meet basic and material needs.

However, money does not guarantee happiness, it can be with you at a certain moment or situation but it can also abandon you.

We should not depend only on money to be well, nor get obsessed with it, life has many important and wonderful things that inspire us to work, achieve our goals and move forward.

Money is part of our life, it is not life itself.

Thank you for sharing, greetings

Wow, great wisdom in saying that money is only a part of our life, not life itself! Really happy to have you read the article, and glad that you liked it!

I learned that from personal experience and until this day I call myself "fool" but I don't regret it, it opened my eyes for things I never knew about and also to be more responsible.

The best way of learning is from our own mistakes, but it is cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others :)

Reading through this piece was actually interesting and convicting at the same time. The world we live in has made us so materialistic

Money achieves a passing emotional state, it is a stimulus that impacts our psyche but does not fill our affective realities. Friend @unbiasedwriter life is fleeting just as money is, the key is to live accumulating feelings and affective contacts. Thanks

Hello friend, certainly money is not everything, it is necessary but in spite of not having it in quantity you can be very happy with the rest of the things, with our people and with what we have done in life. Money covers our needs, but sometimes it does not cover the most important thing which is our mental and emotional stability. Greetings!

Yeah :) Money can be used for both good and bad, and if you manage to control your money (instead of the money controlling you), it can actually give you lots of joy and happiness as well, as you spend it on good things!