in Project HOPE5 years ago

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I had a chat with a friend earlier today and we talked about the reason why people who use to be relevant cease to be after few years. He told me about his senior colleague in his office who use to be one of the best in terms of productivity and relevance but all of a sudden he was sidelined and all he lives with now is past glory. In his on view, he thinks this particular person didn't give room for self development, self improvement. He doesn't create time to learn new trendy skills that is needed to push the company forward.

Also, he thinks the man is getting old and can not contribute to the actualization of the company's goals due to his age. At that age he may have a lot of archaic and ancient mentality that may not thrive these days in a 21st century. In the real sense, this is as good as true if it's looked at in a critical manner. Most establishments would replace an underproductive staff with a more efficient one in terms of intelligence, agility and composure. When you no longer have these qualities and more be expecting another person to function in your role.

Life is a learning process, and the only people that are justified for not learning are the dead. As long as you live you have no excuse to learn. Irrespective of your age. We should try to learn daily so as to stay relevant in any field we find ourselves. There are new trends that are being dished out everyday and we need to be updated in order to grow in our area of specialization.
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Staying relevant is synonymous to being open to learning. Information, they say is power. You don't posses any power when you are not informed. Anyone that wishes to stay relevant should embrace and maintain a healthy learning habit. This is a personal responsibility - no one would do it on your behalf. With adequate knowledge and information you have the chances of adding positive value to your company while expanding your personal developmental process and in short staying relevant.

This is no joke, sometimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone.

In as much as it is easy to learn and assimilate quickly at a young age doesn't mean that you should jettison learning as you grow. It may take a lot of efforts but it is worth it in the end.

All contents are originally written by me, @williams-owb

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Very true what you say, we will never have an excuse to stop learning, unless we do not suffer from some disease that prevents us, otherwise we are all able to keep our mind active in knowledge. Many companies or businesses look for the best personnel, the most qualified, and if we are productive and we are not interested in innovating, I think we have won a lot.

It's important to keep up to date, especially if your job depends on it!

Exactly my thoughts. Thanks for elucidating.