No one could have predicted that a new type of virus was coming, and certainly what it would bring with it. So, when Covid-19 became a global pandemic, we all started to get a more "detailed" idea of what it represented to the world. Soon, the virus managed to spread at an almost impossible to track speed, but the transmission of it was only the beginning, because devastating consequences for the health and maintenance of human life and for the organizations of economic structures (in its most different spheres) of all countries have become a huge problem.
The first wave hit hard and left a very large number of dead, as well as a large number of people infected by the virus. Furthermore, it has managed to disrupt the stabilization / economic growth of many nations that, unfortunately, need many years to be able to fully recover from the damage they are suffering in the midst of this unexpected hurricane. The sectors that were affected are the most diverse, and this could get even worse during this second wave. Unfortunately, the prognosis is a negative one, but still, all countries are fighting with their own weapons to overcome this invisible enemy.
Health, Education, Environment, Financial Market, Political Relations and so many other sectors have been hit again by the second wave and this has worried everyone, without exceptions. The future is still extremely uncertain, but the search for the vaccine by scientists has been a constant battle and at the same time complicated by the factors, interests and political motivations of each country, which are politicizing the only option for a "complete" rescue of the world. How long will all this last? Nobody knows, but the fact is that the scenario tends to get worse and worse without more collaborative work.
Behaviorally, people seem to be "getting better" and finally learning to have to deal with this virus in a more peaceful way. However, it is still necessary to be very careful with security measures, because the virus still exists and still has a real fatality rate (although it is still a very low rate, compared to other types of viruses). Socially, the challenge is still very big, but little by little, I think that everything will enter a level of normality with a mixture of precaution, and in the meantime, things will return to the "new normal" with a level of adaptation. that until then has never been seen.
Nadie podría haber predicho que vendría un nuevo tipo de virus, y ciertamente lo que traería consigo. Entonces, cuando Covid-19 se convirtió en una pandemia global, todos comenzamos a tener una idea más "detallada" de lo que representaba para el mundo. Pronto, el virus logró propagarse a una velocidad casi imposible de rastrear, pero su transmisión fue solo el comienzo, debido a las devastadoras consecuencias para la salud y el mantenimiento de la vida humana y para las organizaciones de las estructuras económicas (en sus más diferentes esferas) de todos los países se han convertido en un gran problema.
La primera ola golpeó con fuerza y dejó un gran número de muertos, así como un gran número de personas infectadas por el virus. Además, ha logrado interrumpir la estabilización / crecimiento económico de muchas naciones que, lamentablemente, necesitan muchos años para poder recuperarse por completo del daño que están sufriendo en medio de este inesperado huracán. Los sectores afectados son los más diversos y esto podría empeorar durante esta segunda ola. Desafortunadamente, el pronóstico es negativo, pero aún así, todos los países están luchando con sus propias armas para vencer a este enemigo invisible.
Salud, Educación, Medio Ambiente, Mercado Financiero, Relaciones Políticas y tantos otros sectores han vuelto a ser golpeados por la segunda ola y esto ha preocupado a todos, sin excepciones. El futuro aún es sumamente incierto, pero la búsqueda de la vacuna por parte de los científicos ha sido una batalla constante y al mismo tiempo complicada por los factores, intereses y motivaciones políticas de cada país, que están politizando la única opción para un rescate "completo" de la mundo. ¿Cuánto durará todo esto? Nadie lo sabe, pero el caso es que el escenario tiende a empeorar cada vez más sin más trabajo colaborativo.
En el comportamiento, la gente parece estar "mejorando" y finalmente está aprendiendo a lidiar con este virus de una manera más pacífica. Sin embargo, todavía es necesario tener mucho cuidado con las medidas de seguridad, porque el virus todavía existe y todavía tiene una tasa real de letalidad (aunque sigue siendo una tasa muy baja, en comparación con otros tipos de virus). Socialmente, el desafío sigue siendo muy grande, pero poco a poco, creo que todo entrará en un nivel de normalidad con una mezcla de precaución, y mientras tanto, las cosas volverán a la "nueva normalidad" con un nivel de adaptación. que hasta entonces nunca se ha visto.
Ninguém poderia prever que um novo tipo de vírus estava chegando e, certamente, o que ele traria consigo. Então, quando o Covid-19 se tornou uma pandemia global, todos nós começamos a ter uma ideia mais "detalhada" do que ele representava para o mundo. Logo, o vírus conseguiu se espalhar em uma velocidade quase impossível de ser rastreada, mas à transmissão dele foi apenas o começo, porque consequências devastadoras para a saúde e manutenção da vida humana e para as organizações das estruturas econômicas (em suas mais diferentes esferas) de todos os países se tornaram um problema gigantesco.
A primeira onda bateu forte e deixou uma quantidade de mortos muito grande, assim como um grande número de pessoas infectadas pelo vírus. Além disso, conseguiu desestruturar a estabilização / o crescimento econômico de muitas nações que, infelizmente, precisam de muitos anos para poder se recuperar completamente do prejuízo que estão sofrendo em meio a esse furacão inesperado. Os setores que foram atingidos são os mais diversos, e isso pode ficar ainda pior durante essa segunda onda. Infelizmente, o prognóstico é um cenário negativo, mas ainda sim, todos os países estão lutando com suas próprias armas para vencer esse inimigo invisível.
Saúde, Educação, Meio Ambiente, Mercado Financeiro, Relações Políticas e tantos outros setores vem sendo atingidos novamente pela segunda onda e isso tem preocupado a todos, sem exceções. O futuro ainda é extremamente incerto, mas a busca pela vacina por parte dos cientistas tem sido uma batalha constante e ao mesmo tempo complicada por fatores, interesses e motivações políticas de cada país, que estão politizando a única opção de um salvamento "completo" do mundo. Até quando tudo isso irá durar? Ninguém sabe, mas o fato é que o cenário tende a ficar cada vez pior sem um trabalho mais colaborativo.
Comportamentalmente, as pessoas parecem que estão "melhorando" e finalmente aprendendo a ter que com esse vírus de uma maneira mais pacífica. No entanto, ainda é preciso ter muito cuidado com as medidas de segurança, porque o vírus ainda existe e ainda tem uma taxa de letalidade real (embora ainda seja um índice bem baixo, em comparação a outros tipos de vírus). Socialmente, o desafio ainda é muito grande, mas aos poucos, eu penso que tudo irá entrar em um nível de normalidade com uma mistura de precaução, e durante esse meio tempo, as coisas vão voltando ao "novo normal" com um nível de adaptação que até então nunca foi visto.
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The second wave...
This seems to come with everything, again, but we are a little more aware of some things as a society, however, there is still neglect by some.
We have to take care of ourselves a lot @wiseagent, we had some hard times, a little difficult. It will be years before some countries are stabilized, and probably some will not be able to make it without help...
Hard times coming, my friend. But we will overcome this.
@wiseagent, these lines are not a fatalistic position, but unfortunately it is not a question of whether this second wave as you indicate will have its end, because there is no invisible enemy, as our lifestyles are our enemies, and it is as visible as harmful, and this we have been able to contrast for years in every message provided by environmental organizations, who have been announcing the serious consequences of climate change in the emergence of viral pandemics, and nothing is done about it, we only remember that we are affecting the climate, when pandemics, cyclones, and all kinds of abnormal behavior of our mother nature.
The virus is just one of the problems because, over the centuries, human beings have been leading other bad episodes. In the end, it depends on us and how we see the situations in order to solve them, @lupafilotaxia.
Good article, I have serious doubts regarding the virus although I know that the lethality is low compared to other diseases that hit my country.
This is an interesting point of view on this subject, @trabajosdelsiglo.
Of course, this is what our quality of life shows us with this pandemic, which changed our life patterns, everything is good reflection.
Lifestyle says much about who we are.
Second wave is too critical
I agree, @paragism.
This virus has really disrupted the normal functioning of the economies of the world, I hope that everything will be back to normal as soon as possible, although as you say, this is a long time process for recovery. Greetings friend and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Normality will take a while to reach its fullness, @carlos84... But at some point, it will happen.
According to me, second wave of the Coronavirus will be critical but people are already absorbed the new normal situation so this wave will not able to hinder people activities.
Yes, @team07... Today there is more knowledge on the subject than before, but still, it is necessary to pay close attention to everything that is happening.
Hello friend, the truth is a difficult situation, but the important thing is that we learned from the first wave that we must take care of ourselves more, and we already know how to act on it. Many people are still not aware of the seriousness, all the more reason to take care of ourselves.
The knowledge learned in the first wave was fundamental to learn how to deal with (and overcome) this second wave.
Thanks for the comment, @franyeligonzalez.