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RE: The Tron and merger has begun, today 03/02/2020

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Hi @lanzjoseg

I have good faith in the future of the engagement with TRON.

My photos create many incredible stories and descriptions.
And it's that everyone sees the art with their own thoughts and imagination that matters

I will describe the picture a bit from my point of view.
2 lungs will breathe better than 1 lung and will generate more energy.
With the right breathing technique, the energy will give greater power and can reach goals and presentations that have not been seen before. If the energy is distributed correctly, it will continue to produce and produce something for everyone.


This is really interesting friend @xpilar, your vision of your creation. I did not expect this point of view, but I liked it. It's hopeful, and human. Thank you for sharing it.