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RE: Favourite Nuclear Reactor

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Animal feed is a place that's gonna get a lot of innovation!!

If this is a primary interest. I would research the vitamins and health benefits of feeding stock a green leafy diet.

Is there any page here on Hive where hemp is talked about?

There are several communities on HIVE. Just look through the available communities page on HIVE.

One of the communities created an alternative interface to HIVE called WeedCash supplements your HIVE rewards with the WEED token. This token doubles your rewards. You can log into the site using your POST key.

Giving third party sites your post key is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad idea. A person who gets control of your post key can control your account. Ask @community321

The better path is to use HiveSigner or KeyChain.

KeyChain is newer and might displace HiveSigner.

KeyChain is a browser extension. This is KeyChain on Chrome Webstore. It also works on Brave. This is the link for Keychain on Firefox.

After installing Keychain, you need to set it up by giving it your posting key and active key. You can find these in the Keys and Permissions section of your HIVE Wallet. I had problems with the import keys program and found it easiest just to manually copy and paste my keys into the set up screen on the extension.

I would probably try KeyChain first. I use both.

Key Chain and HIVE Signer are the only sites that you to which you should give your keys.

After installing KeyChain, you can use it to log into Weed Cash, Leo Finance of the alternative sites for Hive. I made a list of Hive related sites

BTW, your downvote came from someone who thought you were spamming the WeedCash site. I would use that interface to ask questions specifically about hemp, but use the main interface for regular blogging.


Thanks!! Lots of good info. I am at Keychain now and works wonderful! Checking out everything :-D