Work stress is caused by an exaggerated pressure that occurs in the work environment. It is commonly a consequence of the disproportion between work requirements and the capacity or elements available to fulfill them efficiently, also due to weaknesses in interpersonal relationships among employees and in some cases when they are dissatisfied with working conditions.
It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms that characterize work stress in order to make use of mental and emotional techniques that minimize the risks of suffering from it and its consequences in the personal and in the different environments of your life.
Among the most common symptoms can manifest a slight bad mood to severe depression, and are usually accompanied by some exhaustion, physical decay, difficulty concentrating and sleep disorder.
For companies, work stress is an important element to take into account since it brings negative consequences, such as a marked decrease in productivity, absenteeism, high personnel turnover and deterioration of the quality of the product and/or service provided.
To properly manage work stress it is necessary to know and practice techniques and tools that allow us to control it. Here are two techniques that we can perform on a daily basis:
1. Breathing technique: you can take deep breaths anywhere, sit or lie down and put one hand on your stomach and the other on your heart, inhale slowly until you feel your stomach rise, hold your breath for a moment, exhale slowly, feeling your stomach descend.
2. Progressive relaxation: it is used to decrease the tension in the whole body, keeping deep and slow breaths, we start inhaling through the nose counting to five and at the same time we tense our feet, and exhale through the mouth counting to five, relaxing them. Continue with this procedure, towards the upper part of your body: knees, legs, buttocks, chest, arms, hands and fingers, neck, jaw and eyes.
In the same way, small actions can help us to relax and manage the stress that our daily work exerts, such as those presented below:
1. Use a realistic agenda: a schedule should be established in an assertive and real way, avoid committing to activities that are impossible to fulfill.
2. Organize your time: examine how you are organizing your day-to-day activities and how much time you need to do them effectively.
3. Take short breaks: every two or three hours perform exercises to reduce tension in the body and mind.
4. Learn to say NO:this does not refer to being rude or confrontational with co-workers, but to understand what our limits are and communicate them correctly. It is important to say NO when the daily occupations are more than we can cope with.
5. Work in a team:in this way we can meet people who could help us to see the difficulties from another perspective and thus improve stress levels.
6. Supervise what you eat: the ideal is to have a balanced diet.
7. Do physical activity frequently.
8. Completely disengage from work when leaving the office.
9. To go to bed at the same time and sleep at least six hour.
10. Take annual leave.
We have seen in the above mentioned the serious consequences that companies can suffer if their employees are affected by high levels of work stress, so to ensure the proper functioning of the same is important that their employees are healthy and satisfied, so everyone should be aware of this problem. I hope you find what I have said here useful and leave me your comments... Thanks for reading!