fullalt cross-posted this post in FullAlt 4 years ago

Who Wants Some Hive?

in #onboarding4 years ago

Who wants some hive_.png

One of my favorite projects on the blockchain is 'Hive Tips'...This amazing tipping application created by @fullalt that allows us in the Twitter-sphere to tip and reward people with Hive tokens for the Tweets they send...

The onboarding potential for this is huge and as I've been a Twitter user since day one, I instantly fell in love with it.

I believe that the tipping economy can thrive on Hive...Who needs Patreon when you can combine the tipping features of @peakd as well as @fullalt 's Hive Tips!

So part of my Twitter plans is to bring awareness to Hive in the form of Hive Tips to awesome creators promoting and showcasing Hive to the world.

I got approached by @theycallmedan last week and he hit me with something I had to jump on...

He asked me if I would be interested in continuing to do what I do, but @threespeak would donate a chunk of Hive each week to reward Hive users and raise awareness for Hive on Twitter.


So in case you like under a rock, you'll know how awesome Dan is. This guy is a champion of this blockchain and someone who has been supporting LOTS of people on Hive even though he's gone through hell over the past year...

Honored and thankful for the opportunity man!

So I'll be paying attention to Twitter even more than I already did and looking for hash tags like #Hive $Hive #HiveIsAlive #HiveFixesThis and others....

And then I'll be tipping ya' ;)

I get it, some folks still think Hive Twitter is wasting our time and this isn't effective...I am on the side of, this is AWESOME and more people are discovering Hive because of our awesome community.

Sure there are things we need to improve upon (like learning how to NOT tag 394849 people in one Tweet lol) but we are getting better...And with this amazing support from @threespeak I look forward to rewarding Hive Twitter for continuing to push our blockchain to the masses.

for free) about social media marketing and promotion (including Twitter & Hive)Oh btw, if you need some tips and tricks on how to properly and effectively use Twitter, check out @clicktrackprofit and the training we offer (

I'm pumped!!!

And I'm looking forward to supporting you...Supporting Hive :)

Once again, thank you to @theycallmedan and the amazing team @threespeak

We appreciate everything you guys do for Hive!


Let's grow together!!!

Come say hi and meet with the most dedicated and fired up entrepreneurs on the blockchain ...

The CTP Swarm

We're big on community!

And we'd love to have you join the CTP Swarm!



Check out the CTP Token and the CTP Mining Token on:

Hive Engine - CTP CTPM

Leo Dex - CTP CTPM