Corporate Portraits with an Attitude


Today I took proper portraits for the same company I’ve produced photos for many times in the past year. I build a studio in my livingroom and planned everything pretty darn well so the shoot ran smoothly.

I first took those super boring plain personnel shots that are needed but nobody likes, which I can’t even be bothered to share, before I got to show my own style a bit. I think I did alright with these ones by going with moodier lighting and heavier prosessing.


The CEO was really not having a good time being in front of the camera and posing people is not my strong suit. We did have a good laugh and I tried my best but he was so not impressed. I told him to trust me and not judge the raw photos. It sucks if people hate the way they look on your photos, so I went the extra mile for him on this photo. I think he has kind of a Daniel Graig as James Bond look to him so I gave him a nice silvery black and white edit. In the end, he seemed pretty happy with it, probably pleasantly surprised. I did just score myself two more shoots for them so can’t be that bad.


Now, who’s gonna take down and pack away all the studio gear…?


The second portrait looks very much like a YouTuber who I use to watch and learn Photoshop from many years ago 😁 or is that him?

Btw, the rest of the portraits are amazing. I love the light angles

Really? I don’t know what youtuber you are talking about but that’s definitely not him 😁


Haha! Maybe he’s just so looking like him or my eye is deceiving me 😂

Can you find the youtuber? Would be interesting to see 😁

Yea I will try.

Hauskoja! Ja hyviä. Ammattitaito näkyy. Siis kuvaajan ammattaitaito.

Eka tyyppi on kyllä täysillä mukana.

Tiiäkkö kun jotkut ihmiset on sellasia että vaikka ne ois ihan kuplivia ja ratkiriemuissaan ja ihan lol sisältä niin niitten ihmisten ulkopuolelle näkyy vaan sellanen ihan pikkuriikkinen hymynkare tai pilke silmäkulmassa, jos oikein osaa katsoa. Jos toimitusjohtajan kohdalla oli kyse tällasesta ihmistyypistä? :D

Ei tässä nyt vielä ihan ammattilaisia olla mutta fake it till you make it! Kiitos!

Toimitusjohtajasta tuli kyllä kivoja aitoja hymyileviä kuvia mutta hän itse ei tykännyt, varsinkaan kun piti yrittää ottaa vähän vakavempi kuva. Oli semmonen nollasta sataan että joko aivan masentunu ja väsyny tai sitten remakka naurukuva 😅

I love how you just keep getting better and better! They look perfect!

Thank you so much, you are so sweet🥰 Sometimes (read: often) I feel like I haven’t learned anything and everything is shit that I do but looking way back, yeah I’m getting better.