Hey! yeah its a new tribe thay will be launched this month, ill update the tokenomics info as soon as possible! but i can quote our new (not public yet ) litepaper with that info for you:
Token name: vibes (potential name)
Total supply: 21 millions of coins
Initial supply: 100k
Inflation model: starting with 500% for a short period (less than 6 months), then halvings each 6 months until we reach an inflation of 3.90%
Inflation distribution:
Authors 32%
Curators 32%
Token Holders 20%
Vibes Miner tokens () 11%
Incentives for thrid party products 5%
Perfect thank you! Actually have some friends looking to boost their music a bit since it's difficult in traditional methods so this sounds like a great opportunity for them. Thank you for the details!
thanks to you! dont get lost, we will be on live very soon :)