Quick Updates On Whats Next

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago (edited)


We have learned not to give ETA so as not to break illusions, but looking that we are a little quiet I will talk to you about what is coming in musicforlife and why I do not worry about the current price of VIBES.

The new UI

Every time its arrival becomes more inevitable, the first version of the UI was designed only as art (not code) by our UI / UX designer. Currently our master dev is in charge of transferring that magic to code, I will attach a couple of images below. As you can guess, there is no estimated date yet, but it won't be long.










THESE ARE the ones our designer made to conceptualize the general vibes of the new UI. (Its not in code)

And these are the real results in code of some of those pages





As you see some stuff like the radio is in a different place, the radio is connect to a kind of open library of music that will be available in a future, with info of the artists, hive profile, social media, etc

VFTLAB - Tokenomics draft and process

This is our new baby that we are already working on and it will be our way of innovating in hive and connecting 2 blockchains that have a lot of synergy such as HIVE and WAX.

The thing will be like this:


Musicforlife users with vibes, hive, leo and starbits will be able to stake their coins in this new lab. It works very similar to that of a DEFI as a cubfinance, with distribution of inflation to the different pools.

Well there will be a deposit fee (0 if you use VIBES), which will be used 100% to buy and burn vibes (we are still reviewing it, or it may be 80/20 burned and innovation). When you stake your coins you will receive a new coin called VFT that will have a daily supply of 1000 (although possibly at the beginning we will run a campaign with higher inflation).

With this new token you will be able to FARM NFT that will be send to you in your WAX wallet, which you will be able to link in a profile setting. These NFTs will be limited editions, and as soon as we know the most optimal way to create wax music NFTs, you can also farm them, we already have the musicforlife holding company (called crypto academia libertad) that will allow us to have level 2 verification in the WAX blockchain.

About the VFT lab, the project already has the numbers done, the first NFTs for the first collection, we are illustrating the design of the page and it will not be long to see some samples!

About the price of VIBES

I think we currently have good support around 0.20 HIVE, and as soon as we start to launch these new products and use cases for VIBES, we will be without a doubt the second most powerful tribe within the HIVE ecosystem. Right now we are hiring more illustrators, graphic designers and devs to the team as freelancers to multiply our productivity



Posted via MusicForLife.io

Posted via MusicForLife.io


The new UI looks great and I am glad that the NFT ideas are getting fleshed out. For the VFTLAB, are there only a certain amount of NFT being produced everyday? So people will have to continue increasing their VFTLAB tokens to maintain their percentage?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nop, doesnt work that way. Will be a fixed amount of VFT coins available daily distributed between the stakers, you can use those tokens to buy very limited edition NFTs. Those VTFs will be burned

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Thanks for the clarification. I was unsure when I read the post originally.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

The new UI is looking beautiful! Can't wait to try it out and play around with it! I have a few questions though...

The VFTLab sounds very interesting as well - I think you may need to talk a little bit about farming NFTs because that's a little beyond me (and possibly a lot of others who haven't had much experience with DeFi). Possibly a schematic diagram would be helpful to explain the vision but loving the concept!

As long as it is simple to use and music fans who want to share their love for music have an easy access point then will be a cool additional arm for the VIBES token.

How do I get some of my tunes on the radio?

Also, personally, I think it would be good to have music genres/styles on the left side instead of the tags as things like archon neoxian palnet etc aren't music terms and those who will be looking for different styles of music can have quick access when they log in to the home page to the type of music they'd be interested in. This tag/category feature could also be added in to the new post editor in a drop down box so that it can help categorise the music blog into e.g. electronic music so that it's easier to find related blogs on MusicForLife site?


(sorry for the writing in the screenshot, very hard to do with keyboard and mouse haha)

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Hey nicky!

A diagram will be cool, meanwhile to explain the flow is like this:

  • User deposit his coins (vibes,leo, hive or starbits) - a fee is charged and used to buy and burn vibes - the user starts earning the new token VFT based in his participation (pool share and inflation) - he can sell this new token in hive-engine or buy limited edition NFTs which he will receive in a wax wallet linked to his hive profile - then he can collect or sell those NFTs.

Our mother brand is working in an arcade where you can stake NFT (obviously these nfts will be included) to play minigames and earn stuff and cryptos.

Also, personally, I think it would be good to have music genres/styles on the left side instead of the tags as things like archon neoxian palnet etc aren't music terms and those who will be looking for different styles of music can have quick access when they log in to the home page to the type of music they'd be interested in. This tag/category feature could also be added in to the new post editor in a drop down box so that it can help categorise the music blog into e.g. electronic music so that it's easier to find related blogs on MusicForLife site?

nice idea, ill send the suggestion to our dev :) !!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Thanks for explaining the flow, it makes more sense now! I didn't know you could link Wax to HIVE, that's pretty cool. How many people in total are on Wax at the moment? Being able to make limited edition music NFTs will be pretty slick and something I'd look in to trying out for sure!

The NFT arcade sounds like a fun way to earn as well!

back to school for handwriting lessons

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Lol, who needs a pen and paper these days?

Posted via MusicForLife.io

So much innovation and progress. Congratulations to the whole team!

We are all magpies who like collecting shiny things so I am sure those NFTs are going to be hot!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

hahah yeah!! what if we create a promotional NFT between RS and M4L?

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Me gusta el nuevo diseño pero me gustan mas las nuevas ideas. La interaccion con Wax es un acierto estan creciendo muy rapido. Estaria bien aliarse de algun modo con Alien worlds estan cogiendo unos volumenes de usuarios increibles y con los dos millones de dolares que les han inyectado van a expandirse rapido.
Tambien estaria bien que los futuros nfts se puedan stakear en r-planet que es otro proyecto interesante en Wax.
Los Vibes son geniales yo los stakeo todos, para tradear ya tengo BTC

Posted via MusicForLife.io


the UI looks beautiful btw :3

Posted via MusicForLife.io

The new user interface is amazing! Very beautiful to look at and simple in its usability.

NFTs are the real launching weapon of VIBES, the price does not indicate the potential of the project which has enormous potential!

Great Work!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

haha exactly! i love to say invest in VALUE and not in PRICE

Posted via MusicForLife.io

this is not only very cool and very exciting! Good work, keep it up!!! we are definitely in!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

thanks!! vibes for the win

Posted via MusicForLife.io

dang wow... this is some awesome update. I have spent some time looking at wax NFTs, and what happens there is that there are a bunch of NFTs which are basically worth nothing. So it is important to differentiate from those NFTs. The main thing to consider is the art of the NFT, the utility and scarcity. Looking forward to the progress of VIBES.

Posted via MusicForLife.io

I liked it very much, looking forward to this evolution

Uffff me parece super cool , lo de las nuevas integraciones , l a radio y lo de la DEFI eso me gusta , tambien la nueva interfaz de vistas se ve super chula , tambien me gusta eso de los VFTLAB NFT para la comunidad MusicForLife , cada dia creando mas cosas super buenas y como siempre que nos ayudan , y no se preocupen por el precio del VIBE en este momento que si somos una comunidad Fuerte y creemos fielmente en este proyecto , todo se ira a las nubes , asi que de mi parte Full apoyo al proyecto y full confianza en MusicForLife y espero que todos piensen igual , no se dejen llevar por las vistas del precio- no comentan lo que hacen algunos,que ven la caida del precio y como locos venden todo y luego no se arrepientan cuando pegue un subidon , aca mi meta es mantener , saludos a todos y @al-gaming Te deseo mucha suerte en tus proyectos por que se que tienes muchas cosas buenas para la comunidad ,

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Me sorprende el crecimiento tan rápido que a tenido la plataforma y el cariño que le dedica su equipo, la verdad gracias por este tipo de plataformas, ahora se viene la radio seria interesante escuchar a nuevos artistas pero a su vez también seria genial poder hacerles entrevistas y que expliquen su contenido por medio de la radio una especie de podcasts seria genial.... Ademas la creación de los NFTs wooow simplemente genial

Realice una propuesta a uno de los curadores de sobre si se podría realizar un evento de curación en vivo para que otros usuarios nuevos o los que ya tenemos tiempo puedan narrar sus post, dar y recibir concejos pero sobre todo pasar una tarde diferente con la familia M4L

Posted via MusicForLife.io

y a esto me refiero no se preocupen que el precio de VIBES ya va a las nubes , las utilidades del VIBES les dara su valor , aca una captura de el precio del VIBE hace 4 minutos , todo depende de el mercado y como digo la utilidad del VIBE


Que fino seria que se mantenga a ese valor no , ? bueno eso lo damos nosotros mismos , pero yo digo que todo a su tiempo , y con las nuevas cosas que se vienen de seguro tenga un buen valor , imagínate yo tengo en poder de voto o staking 467 VIBE que si sacamos la cuenta al valor de e que esta en este momento son 1083,44$ una locura no , bueno eso se puede lograr chicos claro que si , solo hay que ser fieles al proyecto

Posted via MusicForLife.io

New look and feel looks fantastic.
I loved the images. Kudos to the whole team for coming up such a fantastic UI.
You guys are putting more efforts into innovation as well, i cant wait to learn more about VFTLAB.
I will watch the space for this.

Ill prepare more detailed info about VFTLAB in a coming post!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Wow, new UI looks excellent and the Starbits NFT farming sounds super cool. Only problem is it forces me to choose between more cards or staking - such a dilemma ha

Posted via MusicForLife.io

haha why not both?

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Excelente muy bonito el interfaz y me encanta aun mas pues mi color favorito es el azul XD, por otro lado me parece genial que se le de valor de uso a Vibes esto sin duda se verá reflejado en su precio

Posted via MusicForLife.io

I am very excited to know the new projects and uses related to vibes, I already have 800 staked vibes, vibes to the moon

Posted via MusicForLife.io

I love the new UI. Thank you for all your work!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the April 1st Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Day - April 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

My god! You have to hire @tinty.art! She is amazing and she works as a graphic designer at an agency. But she does do freelancing as well! Please get in contact with her. If you would like to have video and visualz for anything you can hire me. Accepting Vibes as payment :)

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Oh omg i love that spirit!! please come and joins us on discord and send me a DM. im @al-liuke96

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cant find you on discord :( need the 4 numbers
you find me here: solymi#2979

sent you a friend request!

I am hooked!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Si hablas español hermano traduci tu post y me gusto amigo eres un éxito eres grande❤️❤️✌️

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Me entusiasman muchísimo todas las cosas que se vienen. Solamente el pensar en la nueva UI (la que por cierto, espero tenga night mode) me genera expectativa.
Los felicito, así como también les agradezco, por todo esto, que es una gran ayuda para la gran mayoría de nosotros. 😊

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Hi there! Happy to find another UX/UI related post. As a UX designers and Hive new-bie I challenged myself to start a small UX/UI design oriented community here on Hive. If you or you UX/UI designer have interest in the theme you can join and help me build it.