Hello friends, receive a very special greeting from me.
En el mundo artístico existe una realidad tras cámara o fuera de los escenarios que aqueja a todos los cantantes, un constante ensayo y error que causa estrés, cansancio y desgaste, el cual nosotros como fanáticos no notamos ya que el artista tiende a mostrar su mejor cara y voz delante de los que los seguimos de cerca.
En algunos casos tienen problemas de salud y hasta se ponen afónicos de tanto ensayar y hacen un esfuerzo sobre natural para poder brindarnos su talento aunque sea a medias.
Que duro es sentir que no puedes más y aún así continuar mostrando una sonrisa o la mejor actitud para agradar al
público ya que es algo que te apasiona o simplemente porque vives de ello.
Son tantas cosas o situaciones por las que atraviesan los artistas porque son seres humanos comunes y corrientes con problemas de salud que algunas veces dejan a un lado con el lema de "El show debe continuar"
Han ocurrido tantos contratiempos en medio de un concierto tales como desmayos o caídas que son indicio de no alimentarse bien o hacerlo a las carreras para no dejar los compromisos a un lado y que a la larga traen graves consecuencias en su salud.
Otra cosa que descuidan mucho y hasta llegan a abandonar es a sus familias, casi no comparten tiempo con ellos y ésto tiende a causar separaciones y tristeza entre los integrantes de misma.
Por tal motivo pienso que deben tomar en cuenta que son personas que necesitan una buena alimentación, un tiempo de descanso, relajación y hacer un balance entre su vida artística y la personal, porque sino a la larga terminan quedando solos o incluso enfermando a tal punto que pierden su carrera por completo y luego se arrepentirán de no haber pensado en ellos primero que nada.
In the artistic world there is a reality behind the camera or off the stage that afflicts all singers, a constant trial and error that causes stress, fatigue and wear and tear, which we as fans do not notice since the artist tends to show his best. face and voice in front of those of us who follow closely.
In some cases they have health problems and they even become hoarse from rehearsing so much and they make a supernatural effort to be able to offer us their talent even if only half.
How hard it is to feel that you cannot take any more and still continue to show a smile or the best attitude to please the
public since it is something that you are passionate about or simply because you make a living from it.
There are so many things or situations that artists go through because they are ordinary human beings with health problems that sometimes they leave aside with the slogan of "The show must go on"
There have been so many setbacks in the middle of a concert such as fainting or falls that are an indication of not eating well or racing to avoid leaving commitments aside and that in the long run have serious consequences on your health.
Another thing that they neglect a lot and even abandon is their families, they hardly share time with them and this tends to cause separations and sadness among their members.
For this reason I think that they should take into account that they are people who need a good diet, a time of rest, relaxation and a balance between their artistic and personal life, because otherwise they end up being alone or even becoming ill to such an extent in the long run. that they lose their career completely and then they will regret not having thought of them first of all.
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This post has been manually curated by Jux from Rising Star on behalf of #musicforlife.
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Excelente post, como siempre!