I just looked at your page, there doesn't seem to be anything newer on there. I don't know if this is the first post that you've made since April, or if you've just been posting on a community such as this one, and not cross-posting it to your own page.
You can reblog your own posts from this community to your own page.
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Thank you! I'm sorry, I am a little confused, because this is all SO confusing to me LOL... I didn't post for a long while, but there is another post I did shortly before this one that I thought I shared in this community (I assume you mean the musicforlife group..) Do you mean that I should also re-blog these posts in the hive.blog? Thanks for any advice, I find the whole Hive thing to be a bit labyrinthine.
Yes, if you write a post in one of the communities, you can also re-blog it on your personal page. That way, anyone who follows you, but is not part of the community you posted in, will see the post on your page.
Hive can be confusing for people, but you learn as you go.