Our First #MusicForLife Comment Contest ✍️


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Hello to all the Musicians, Singers and Music Fans who frequent this awesome #MusicForLife Community. I was asked by Claudia ( @mejiasclaudia ) to create a Contest that would encourage more engagement here. So to kick things off, this is my first attempt at a simple Comment Contest"!

  • The Rules are simple:

  1. Write your Comment below on this post, about your very first Music Purchase. That maybe Vinyl, Cassette Tape, Compact Disc (depending on your current age).

  2. We want you to be descriptive, with details about why you purchased a particular Song or Album that really sticks in your memory.

  3. We would very much like to hear what you have selected, so a YouTube link is absolutely required.

  4. You must tag 3 friends at the end of your Comment.

  5. Your Comment must be at the very least (50 Words). To be honest: The more you write, the more chance you have of winning one of the Top 3 prizes.

  • At this point, hopefully you have not lost interest!
    So what can you WIN? Well lots of Vibes Upvotes on your Comments.

The [Top 3] will be up-voted by one of the "M4L Team" and will be rewarded with 10 VIBES.

As this is our first Comment Contest, we have no idea how many members will respond. We hope it will be many as this is a very easy Topic to write about. Even if you are not selected for the Top 3 places, myself and Claudia will up-vote as many as possible ourselves.

Many Thanks for listening, and we look forward to reading and judging your Music Story Comments.

Andy + Claudia (M4L Curator) 👋

Spanish Text Translation written by Claudia @mejiasclaudia ~ English Text written by me @andy-vibes

Hola a todos los músicos, cantantes y fanáticos de la música que frecuentan esta increíble comunidad #MusicForLife. Claudia (@mejiasclaudia) me pidió que creara un Concurso que fomentara un mayor compromiso en la comunidad M4L. ¡Así que para empezar, les presento mi primer intento con un concurso de comentarios "!

  • Las reglas son muy simples:

  1. Escriba su comentario a continuación en esta publicación, sobre su primera compra relacionada con la música. Puede ser sobre tu primer vinilo, cinta de casete, disco compacto, (dependiendo de su edad actual).

  2. Queremos que sea descriptivo, con detalles sobre por qué compró una canción o álbum en particular.

  3. Nos gustaría mucho escuchar lo que ha seleccionado, por lo que es absolutamente necesario un enlace de YouTube.

  4. Debe etiquetar a 3 amigos al final de su comentario.

  5. Su comentario debe tener como mínimo (50 palabras). Para ser honesto: cuanto más escriba, más posibilidades tendrá de ganar uno de los 3 premios principales.

  • ¡En este punto, ojalá no hayas perdido el interés!
    Entonces, ¿qué puedes GANAR? Bueno, muchos votos positivos de Vibes en sus comentarios.

El [Top 3] será votado por uno de los miembros del "Equipo M4L", con una recompensa de 10 VIBES.

Como este es nuestro primer concurso de comentarios, no tenemos idea de cuántos miembros responderán. Esperamos que sean muchos, ya que es un tema muy fácil de escribir. Incluso si no eres seleccionado para los 3 primeros lugares, Claudia y yo votaremos a favor de tantos como sea posible.

  • Muchas gracias por escucharnos, y esperamos leer y juzgar los comentarios de su historia musical. *

Andy + Claudia (Curadora de M4L) 👋

Traducción de texto en español escrito por Claudia @mejiasclaudia ~ Texto en inglés escrito por @andy-vibes

Posted via MusicForLife.io


Hello and thank you for this opportunity to share a souvenir and music 🙂
@penderis @risingstargame @samstonehill @belemo
I was around 13 years old and i went to Ireland with other teenagers and at that time i was listening to U2
And i loved it beside the cure .
So i got the album and all of their CDs actually and one day i was chatting with a friend and i heard a little crowed
All in joy and when i looked i saw Bono and the whole U2 band almost right in front of me and that was so cool , they were living there and Bono had a castle there and we were near by .
I decided to not go further and not ask for a photo or anything , i just never liked this approach when it comes to people on tv that you love . I have met many wellknown people and i have never asked for a photo , i dont regret .
I went to see U2 in concert 3 times in my life and it was really nice , but honestly , smoking a joint even for 10 min with them would have be better . A real feeling .
I love music dearly and i wish i could just explose the sound but because of people around it is difficult .
Anyway , i share it , something happens in my body when i see colors and hear music i love .
Bono has a very special voice and vibe and U2 is one of the best musical group , the edge is over the top amazing
But yes we will always keep the great musical memories , this is part of our life and thank God it exists .
Thanks for reading

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Many Congrats ~ You are a TOP 3 WINNER 🏅

Thank you sincerely for participating in this Comment Contest 👏

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Thank you Andy 😀💐

Hello there, I'm happy to participate in this nice contest. My first ever vinyl record that I got was when I asked my parents to get me a Roxette compilation album that I had seen being advertised on tv. It was under the title don't bore us - get to the chorus! full with their greatest hits. It was released in 1995 and I must had gotten it around that year or maybe the next. The songs still stick with me, even though my music preference has shifted a lot since then to the rock but especially metal side. I can't just pick one song from that compilation album, the whole album is just great. At the time I enjoyed a lot listening to the mellow music this group was releasing and at home I was playing the record and recording the songs on cassette.


Many years after I decided to sell this record along with two other records, so I gave them to a friend of mine to list them in an online music marketplace and it sold for a very nice price actually, it's one of those cases that an album gains in value quite a lot, I was so pleasantly surprised. I still have the mentioned cassette and I'm listening to that cassette anytime I want.


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Ohhhhh we're going to have to back to 1997, before secondary school, I was about 9-10 years old and this was the era of Brit Pop classic anthems coming in! Every day at school, we were allowed to have the radio on during break times and there would be no end to the amount of cheesy pop singles getting churned out each week. Well, some stuck in your head more than others even if you didn't want it to!

However, thankfully, the first CD I think I bought after searching in my CD collection was Tubthumping by Chumbawamba or more readily known as "I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again" - spare a thought for those who are still searching for the original as the song title doesn't get mentioned at all in the track itself!

Anyway, this is a high energy power track that had us all dancing at the school discos and those catchy lyrics you can't help but sing along to. This brings back some nice memories and as with all ear worms, you can't get them out of your head and so I went to Woolworths (UK legendary store) the next day as I couldn't get enough and yes, I still have the CD!

As with all single releases at the time, there were 5 other remixes on display, my favourite named remix being the "Butthumping" mix which can so easily be misinterpreted in this day and age! You just can't beat the original though and this is my first CD I bought and I have no regrets :)

Going to tag in @gribbles @stickupboys and @mipiano for this challenge :)

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boom, whats the challenge?

ok i got it....

Hey bro of the other Havey I am sorry that I haven't replied to this one :/

Fue allá por el año 2011 cuando descubrí por primera vez lo que era un tocadisco. Recuerdos perfectamente su olor a madera vieja, y ese barniz mate que le daba ese toque tan señorial en lo alto del comedor de mis abuelos.

Me vienen recuerdos de cómo me explicaron su funcionamiento, y me quedé impactado al sentir el ruido que producía la aguja al rasgar de forma cíclica la superficie de aquel disco de Frank Sinatra ,"She Shot Me Down". Ese sonido envolvente que impregnaba la sala del viejo Frankie, no tenía desperdicio.

Así pues, con esa ilusión que me embriagaba cada vez que colocaba un disco de la colección y le daba a play. Tomé la decisión de comprar con mis pocos ahorros que tenía, un disco en la tienda del centro de la ciudad. Llamé a un par de colegas y nos fuimos a ver qué se cocía en aquella tienda que siempre pensamos que era para "viejos", y al ver la cantidad de discos que había en los estantes y las portadas tan chulas, acabamos decidiendo comprar un disco de "Poison". Corrimos en dirección a casa de mis abuelos, y nos dieron bocadillos con onzas de chocolate y gaseosas, pusimos emocionados el disco y, para nuestra sorpresa el heavy metal con todo el "glam" que Poison tenía, inundó la sala y para nuestro asombro, a mis abuelos les encantó, ya no sé si por ver la ilusión en nuestras caras, o porque dentro de ellos se albergaba un par de auténticos metaleros.

Por último, aquí os dejo una de las canciones que más me gustaba del vinilo.

@mejiasclaudia @criptosectadepit @rebeccamusic

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Many Congrats ~ You are a TOP 3 WINNER 🏅

Thank you sincerely for participating in this Comment Contest 👏

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Thank you so much for this recognition! I wanted to share a small fragment of my life, and that the memory of this emotive story would be part of the history of #musicforlife.

Best regards to @andy-vibes & @mejiasclaudia

Muchísimas gracias por este reconocimiento! quería compartir un pequeño fragmento de mi vida, y que el recuerdo de esta emotiva historia fuera parte de la historia de #musicforlife

Un saludo a @andy-vibes & @mejiasclaudia

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Buenas noches, familia de Music4life, estoy haciendo memoria sobre ¿qué fue lo primero que compré en música? Estoy pensando y pensando, pues me gusta la música desde muy muy pequeña y en gustos musicales he pasado por todo tipo de estilos, pues mi gusto es muy amplio. Mi padre cantaba copla española, boleros y mariachi mexicano y esos son mis inicios en el mundo de la música. De pequeña cantaba copla española a todas horas. Así que sin duda lo primero que compré fue una cinta de cassete de Doña Concha Piquer, allá por la década de 1990. Me encantaba la voz de ella y la imitaba. Luego me decanté por otros estilos musicales. La música es lo que más me gusta, además de viajar.
Esta música me recuerda mucho a mi padre y todos los años que tuve la suerte de estar a su lado. Os dejo un enlace de las canciones que llevaba la cinta, se que es muy antigua, pero hace ya muchos años de ésto. Espero que os guste☺

@al-gaming @criptosectadepit @griselion

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Many Congrats ~ You are a TOP 3 WINNER 🏅

Thank you sincerely for participating in this Comment Contest 👏

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Thank you very much, it has been a pleasure to participate in the contest!
Muchísimas gracias, ¡ha sido un placer participar en el concurso!
@andy-vibes y @mejiasclaudia

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Ha llovido mucho desde entonces , pero nunca olvidare el día que tuve mi primera cinta de casete comprada por mi (con la paga de mis padres) , era el año 1990 y yo ya llevaba tiempo escuchando las canciones de este disco en la radio y en casa de uno de mis primos mayores. Me encantaba esa mezcla de sonido potente y baladas , no me lo pensé demasiado ese disco tenia que ser mío, y así fue, no se cuantas vueltas le pude dar a ese casete hasta que después de bastantes años dijo basta (ese mismo día fui a comprar otra copia en CD esta vez con mi propio sueldo).
Si has llegado hasta aquí supongo que ya querrás saber cual fue ese disco solo te diré dos palabras , TRUE METAL .
Banda: Manowar
Disco: Fighting the World
Tema: Carry On

Un Saludo.
@mejiasclaudia @jesusalejos @rebeccamusic @badge-800008

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Pues para ser sincero nunca pude comprar nada de musica antes de mis 20 años ya que no tenia la posibilidad economica para eso y muchos amigos y familia me prestaban sus cd originales y piratas. cada vez que colocaba un disco me salia de este mundo para encerrarme en mis pensamientos imaginandome en una aventura cada vez que escuchaba una cancion(en ocaciones cada cancion era una aventura distinta) y me la pasaba horas escuchando el mismo disco varias veces, creci escuchando mucha musica en ingles por que mis papas son fans de la musica de los 70s, 80s, sin embargo cuando crecia mi pasion por la musica cambiaba a la de ellos pero siempre siendo fiel mas que nada a la musica en ingles, actualmente por la epoca en la que estamos solo me e comprado discos por nostalgia o para coleccion entre mis grupos y cantastes favoritos estan evanescence, linkin park, mago de oz, micheal jackson, will smith, juanes y en la categoria de musica electronica estan daft punk, david guetta, skrillex y muchos mas que solo recuerdo sus canciones pero no se quien las canto jajajajaja en fin la musica para mi no solo fueron sonidos (por que igual me gusta la musica instrumental), fue parte muy importante por que en partes dificiles, dolorosas y muy felices de mi vida la disfrute y me animaba o me daba fuerza para seguir adelante de cierta forma se podria decir que sin la musica no seria la persona que soy ahora.

@mejiasclaudia @risingstar @fabiyamada

son todos mis amigos por si no estaba permitido poner a claudia

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Please edit your comment, and add a YouTube link of the Song 👍

This Comment Contest has now ended!

The response has been amazing in my opinion. The "M4L Team" have now finally up-voted the Top 3 Winners ~ Namely: @grinselion@rebeccamusic@opidia

There were many other entries that truly deserved the "Vibes Upvotes" that have been given by me, Claudia and the #MusicForLife Community.

  • Once again I thank you all for your time and effort ~ Congrats to ALL 👏 & the final WINNERS


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!wine 🍷

Congratulations, @andy4475 You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINE With @andy-vibes.
You Earned 0.300 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24816.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.273 HIVE

Ah thank you so much , it was fun to participate 😃

OMG! I cannot remmber really but one of the first purchase I remember was actually a vinly of this

which was around 1987...I am not only feeling old but feel my memory is going.....someone help me. Great tune though!

Super cool music 🙏🏻
To get more upvotes , tell the story of your feelings you got listening to it and the contest ( how you found it )
And a youtube link for us to listen to it 🙂
Oh , and tag 3 friends

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nice one! Good to have a competition for sure! UNfortunately I cannot remmber any of those things....I am old and have a self abused brain....but here is the video, I just joined in for fun cause Nicky tagged me

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You cant be that messed up , you are using a decentralized blockchain , not many people can even comprehend .
Great that you participated :)

cheers, @nickyharvey is the brain.....its nice to do this kind of challenge so good work!

Thanks 🙂

tal como lo comenté en algún post hace un par de días, cuando era muy pequeño y cursaba tercero de primaria , me encantó una canción era Tierra cantada por el ahora Juanes que antes se agrupaba en Ekhymosis, la primera vez que la escuche fue precisamente en un evento donde llevaron una banda que cantaba las canciones de Ekhymosis y sencillamente me dejo maravillado, por lo que al pasar el tiempo cada vez que la escuchaba en la radio me disponía a cantarla, recuerdo muy bien que para uno de mis cumpleaños me llevaron mi primer disco regalado por mis padres se llamaba "Ekhymosis y grandes éxitos musicales" , no creo que fuese original pero me acompaño por mucho tiempo , lo ponía casi que a diario en una pequeña grabadora Sony gris que me acompañaba en mi dormitorio.
@degranoengrano @risingstargame @rebeccamusic

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I'm old enough that my first music purchase was a vinyl album. I'm not sure which one it was, that was close to 50 years ago. It may have been "The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band" or it may have been James Taylor...

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Many Thanks Buzzzzzzy Buzzz 😎

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!wine ?

Please make a Comment @mawit07 and you might win some cool #VIBES

  • Read the rules above to enter ~ Good luck √

Did you noticed I made it a question lol ;)
Besides I am not a music lover, far from it.

I never bought a CD, Cassette, or record for music. I bought an Apple IPod and got my first songs from Napster. My Sister was in college back when I was in elementary school but she taught me what Napster was. It took me over a year to save enough to buy the IPod. I actually negotiated with my parents to combine my birthday and Christmas gifts and all my allowances together that year to save up for the IPod. I did not really understand the legality and copyright issues with downloading music online back in the day. All I remember was organizing 1000s of songs into their respective genre and put accurate info for each song so it was organized on my Itunes and IPod. As a matter of fact I spent more time organizing the files than actually listening to them.

If I remember the first ever song played on my IPod correctly it was U2 - Beautiful Day. I went on being a big fan of them. Back then as a kid my friends lean toward rap and pop. Had a lot of remix of top 100 songs. Bands like Nysc, backstreet boys, Britney Spears, Christina. But BIG, 2pac, Eminem I played most often and did not have to hear remix of them. I learned very young how important money is in the real world so favorite song back then was Mo money Mo problems. Big and P Diddy sang the original.

I always found music brings a sense of camaraderie as its a entertaining one of sharing one's experiences. I guess I don't like music or not into it as much now is because most songs out there that are easily accessible are just catchy tunes or one hit wonders. No really story behind it or sending a meaning to its listeners. Thanks.

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I think that I misunderstood you, to be honest 🤔 @mawit07

Your view on Music, is very different to mine ~ I grew up with Music on Vinyl or Radio, mostly because there was nothing else! Technology was minimal, so Music was everything to me. I still have an iPod though, plugged into my TV Amp/speakers, and still play it sometimes.

I do remember Napster, but I could never seem to get the Downloads that my friends were getting for FREE 🤣

Anyway, I really appreciate your contribution to the Contest 😎
Thanks Bro √

Congratulations, @andy4475 You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINE With @mawit07.
You Earned 0.200 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24809.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.273 HIVE

Congratulations, @mawit07 You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINE With @andy-vibes.
You Earned 0.200 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24809.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE


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Congratulations, @andy4475 You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINE With @andy-vibes.
You Earned 0.300 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24816.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE