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RE: Prime Numbers

YES!! I am very glad to hear you are also a lover of primes. And Mersenne primes too! So great. I love that (1) it is unknown whether there are infinitely many Mersenne primes, (2) this is directly related to whether there are infinitely many perfect numbers (numbers whose sum of proper divisors is equal to itself, like 6 and 28, and i am certain you know about these!), and (3) all of those perfect numbers generated by Mersenne primes are even, and we have no idea if there exist any odd perfect numbers!
I also am in love with Goldbach's conjecture but maybe that can be another post...
Thanks for reading the post!!


Though my studies included a lot of math, it was only prime numbers and the special type Mersenne prime that I was taught. Perfect numbers and Goldbach's conjecture weren't on the agenda. Hence, I presearch-ed a little and I must admit: Great theories! Both of them!