Muchas veces para lograr un objetivo se debe esforzar al máximo nuestras capacidades hasta que el esfuerzo convierta una habilidad en un talento hecho a pulso, o para potenciar talentos natos, sin embargo, aquí entra un gran debate pues en muchas ocasiones este esfuerzo genera traumas e impide disfrutar muchas cosas, y parecé que la fama tiene un alto precio, quizás este fue el caso de Michael Jackson.

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Michael Jackson catalogado como genio y artista musical, tiene una historia algo triste que vivió durante su niñez, y su vida de fama fue difícil, definitivamente Michael no la tuvo fácil.

Desde pequeño ya se veía el talento, inició su carrera en the Jackson 5, un grupo musical creado por su padre compuesto por sus 5 hermanos, Su papa influenciado desde siempre por la música quería lograr algo grande con sus hijos y los obligó a trabajar maltratándolos física y psicológicamente, así lo expresó Michael en muchas entrevistas.

Cuenta que su padre cargaba un cinturón y lo azotaba cuando no quería ensayar o cuando simplemente se equivocaba, además del maltrato físico, también sufrió maltrato psicológico pues lo humillaba por su apariencia debido a su acne y gran nariz.

Al pasar el tiempo Michael se separa del grupo y emprendé una carrera como solista debido a que destacaba mucho mas que sus hermanos, y dio a conocer Thriller su obra maestra ganadora de muchos premios Grammy y top en ventas.
Esa difícil situación que vivió durante pequeño parecía haber culminado, sin embargo, En 1993 la fama empezó a cobrar factura, pues fue acusado de abusar de un niño llamado Jordan de 13 años, es ahí donde la comunidad le crea la fama de pedófilo, lo cual generó reacciones adversas en su carrera, pero no fue hasta después de la muerte de Michael que el niño (Jordan) confesó que su padre lo había obligado a decir tales mentiras para sacarle todo el dinero posible al rey del pop.

A raíz de esa fama que se le creó se especula que también abusaba de Macaulay culkin actor de mi pobre angelito, pues eran muy amigos y mantenían juntos, no obstante, Macaulay testificó a favor de Michael diciendo que eran amigos y que nunca se sobrepasó con él, durmiendo incluso en la misma cama, otra cosa interesante que abre el debate es que este aseveró que Michael era un niño igual que él, esto se ve evidenciado claramente en sus gustos y comportamientos pues en su mansión de Neverland tenía construido un parque de diversiones , además de la colección de figuras animadas y gusto por Peter Pan, como bien sabemos esta obra animada (Peter Pan) escrita por el Escoces James M Barrie , cuenta la historia del niño que no quería crecer.

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Michael confesó que aun con 40 años, se encerraba a llorar por todo el maltrato que le dio su padre en su infancia y aseguraba que quería volver a ser un niño, esto muestra claramente que los traumas generados desde niño perduraron durante toda su vida y que quizás esa fama de pedofilo era una total mentira, simplemente eran justificaciones erronea aprovechándose de sus comportamientos de niño que tenía.

Finalmente Murió el 25 de junio del 2009 en su casa a los 40 años de edad debido a un paro cardio respiratorio, comprobándose meses después que fue un homicidio involuntario por parte de su médico personal al administrarle potentes medicamentos que le generaron una grave reacción en su organismo.

*Gracias por leer hasta el final 😊*


Many times to achieve a goal we must make the most of our abilities until the effort turns a skill into a skill made at a pulse, or to enhance natural talents, however, a great debate comes in here because on many occasions this effort generates trauma and prevents enjoying many things, and it appeared that fame comes at a high price, perhaps this was the case with Michael Jackson.

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Michael Jackson, listed as a genius and musical artist, has a somewhat sad story that he lived during his childhood, and his life of fame was difficult, Michael definitely didn't have it easy.

From a young age he already saw talent, he began his career in the Jackson 5, a musical group created by his father composed of his 5 brothers, His pope always influenced by music wanted to achieve something great with his children and forced them to work while physically and psychologically abusing them, as Michael put it in many interviews.

He says his father was wearing a belt and whipping him when he didn't want to rehearse or when he was just wrong, in addition to physical abuse, he also suffered psychological abuse because he humiliated him for his appearance because of his acne and big nose.

As time passed Michael separated from the group and I embarked on a solo career because he exceled much more than his brothers, and unveiled Thriller's Grammy Award-winning masterpiece and top insales.

That difficult situation he experienced for a child seemed to have culminated, however, In 1993 fame began to take its turn, as he was accused of abusing a boy named Jordan, 13, that is where the community created him a reputation as a pedophile, which generated or adversereactions in his career, but it was not until afterMichael's death that the boy(Jordan)confessed thathis father had forced him to tell such lies to get as much money out ofthe pop king as possible.

In the wake of that fame that was created, it is speculated that he was also abusing Macaulay culkin actor of my poor little angel, because they were very close and kept together, yet Macaulay testified in favor of Michael saying that they were friends and that he never oversteither, sleeping even in the same bed, another interesting thing that opens up the debate is that thisclaimed that Michael was a child just like him,this is clearly evident in his tastes and behaviors because in his Mansion neverland he had built an amusement park, in addition to the collection of animated figures and taste for Peter Pan, as we well know this animated work (Peter Pan) written by Scots James M Barrie , tells the story of the child who didn't want to grow up.

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Michael confessed that even at 40, he was locked up crying over all the mistreatment his father gave him in his childhood and claimed he wanted to be a child again, this clearlyshows that the traumas generated as a child endured throughout his life and that perhaps that fame of fart was a total lie, they were simply erroneous justifications taking advantage of his child behaviors.

He eventually died on June 25, 2009 at home at the age of 40 from cardio-breathing arrest, compromising months later that it was an involuntary homicide by his personal doctor by giving him powerful medications that caused a serious reaction to his body.

Thank you for reading to the end 😊

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