We know that many times the life of DJ's and producers tends to expand to other horizons and all this fame they have achieved takes them elsewhere, advertising for major brands, producing music for movies, selling their own merchandise (clothing), and a host of other activities that can be derived from it.
This time we present some cases where DJ's have ventured into the gamer world.
The Swedish DJ and producer ventured into this worl in a rather peculiar way, as he has his own games where he also collaborated with Sony. These games are "Vector", "Graviry" and "Inventor", which are for consoles and for cell phones.
One of the most prominent legends of electronic music also passed through this world specifically with the DJ Hero game.
Steve Aoki
The famous DJ and producer also has a relationship whit video games with Speedy Ninja, a very peculiar game where they transformed the artist and took certain characteristics from him.
That's right, the number one troll of the internet also has his history with video games, since he participated in the soundtrack of the one called "Project Cars", where we can clearly hear hear the style of the producer.
Alan Walker
Although he did it in a different way, one of the artists of the moment remixed the theme of the famous game League Of Legends.
It's a smart move to jump into video games music. Many non-known producers also find very good jobs making music for new projects. Blockchain gaming industry is growing fast and the day will come when a producers gets his pay in cryptocurrencies.