Electronic music: History of origin and development


It is known as electronic melody to all the melody constructed by means of electronic devices, such as samplers, computers, synthesizers, etcetera. The electronic melody was born at the end of the 21st century and the beginning of the 20th century. The first device to film electronic noise was the phonoautograph, patented in 1857 by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. Already in the year 1960, this song begins to be marketed in a deep way in the planet, with the accessibility of the synthesizer. In 1963 Ron Grainer together with Delia Derbyshire made the first electronic song, it was the theme song for the TV series Doctor Who.
This kind of song in the last 30 years has had enormous fame all over the world, building various styles within the same genre of electronic song. The electronic melody for quite a few is the development of tangible musical tools. Exemplifying I can film a song on guitar to make a melody of electronic song. Electronic melody has no restrictions, one of the monumental virtues is that you can simulate artifacts without being an expert. Exemplifying, you can have a noise of a saxophone and you can put together a music, without having the need to know how to play the saxophone.


This was the first synthesizer developed by Olsen and Belar in 1955.
In the 80's, the first electronic song styles that began to appear were Techno and House. House was born in Chicago, USA, oriented to the Afro-American public, then in the 90's it arrived in Europe mixing with pop, originating monumental fame. House comes from a mix between Soul and Funk, with powerful synthesized basses, percussions similar to disco melody and vocals with reverb or delay filters. Techno was born in Detroit, USA, this genre is based on the empirical use of synthesizers, with a predominance of funk, free jazz. Techno is often confused with Trance or Dance.
Over the years these two monumental expressions of electronic melody have given rise to an endless number of different genres such as Tech House, Deep House, Drum'n'bass, Hardtrance, Acid, Minimal, ect. As we have the possibility to see the electronic melody is born by means of already existing musical currents, such as funk, soul, jazz, disco, new age, etcetera. One of the monumental advantages of this style is that there is no need for sophisticated and expensive musical devices, just a synthesizer. If you want to start trying this new style of melody, there are several programs that will help you to enter this new criterion that has no restrictions. You will only need to have the program and start to fly your creativity.
If you want to know more about this style, you can visit the next page.


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