Interesting you discover music through Instagram. Am rarely using Instagram, so I may not know how the app really works. What I know is that it doesn't allow a link click and usually, I don't take the time to start copying the link into a browser, since this is not too easy on a phone. But maybe an ad has the possibility to click and get to the music source?
Anyways, listened to the song. Hear the beach in it as you write. It is a happy song for sure! :) Not that I like it too much. In fact, I would not listen to this one again. To me, this type of songs and production are those that we can hear from so many different artists. That said, I would also not kill the music when someone wants to listen to it while I'm in the vicinity :)
But super cool you like it! That's what matters :)
Nice post, by the way! And welcome to our community :)