Since 2017 I have been hearing a music gender that you can identify, but I am almost certain that doesn't have a name itself.
I´ts mainly a combination of rock, blues, and country. Finding that a lot of the times that the song are themed somehow around the figure of “the devil”, or demons. But in a way that these figures of absolute evil are used as the vehicle to portray life's problems, and it's imperfection itself.
Under the nihilistic philosophy of those songs' life will never be perfect, and the sooner you accept it, the easier things will become. These songs are somehow motivational, but with the difference you're not promised with a rainbow after the rain. The idea is to acknowledge the chaos of our existence, accept imperfection and roll with the tide. In a way that you will find happiness without the illusions we have been told to have all of our lives.
Artist's I personally recommend. They are really underground so make sure to give them your support if you like their music. Also, I would like to know what their songs make you feel:
Dead Posey:
Barns Courtney: