Consejos basicos para la plataforma #musicforlife

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago

(Sorry for my latest post @mimismartypants)

Como todos aun tengo muchas dudas sobre el correcto uso de la plataforma. Pero lo que tengo claro es lo que voy a explicar aqui.

1. El objetivo de #musicforlife es promover todo tipo de contenido musical. Quieres hablar de musica? De tus grupos favoritos? De las piezas que has compuesto esta semana? Pues bienvenido, estas en el lugar correcto!

2. VIBES.Es el token de la plataforma. Con él podemos dar upvotes (votos positivos) para recompensar a aquellos autores que participan creando contenido. Hasta aqui todo bien, pero es que aun hay mas.

Podemos comprar un token minero que al stakearlo produce recompensas en VIBES. Que debemos stakear (ahora explicare como...) para hacer nuestro poder de voto mas poderoso, que otorgara mayores recompensas cuando votemos y por ende recibiremos mayores recompensas por nuestras votaciones.

Primero compramos un puñado de VIBESM:


En la imagen podemos ver un candado cerrado. Es el boton par stakear. En mi foto sale abierto, que es la opcion de retirarlo del stake. Todo lo que hayamos adquirido en VIBESM lo aconsejable es stakearlo para generar mayores recompensas de VIBES.


En esta imagen podemos ver que aparecen los dos candados, uno cerrado y el otro abierto. Ya sabeis, como tengo 0.6 VIBES, esperare a sumar un poco y lo volvere a stakear, para aumentar el poder de mi voto y de mi cuenta.

Hay tanto que explicar que es facil que me olvide de cosas, pero esto es algo que iremos aprendiendo juntos, mientras crece esta comunidad. No es algo que tenemos que aprender hoy si o si. Es mejor ir pasito a pasito y cuando ya entiendes algo puedes pasar al siguiente nivel.

3. Sistema de votaciones:


El sistema de votaciones funciona igual para todas las plataformas #hive. Damos un voto positivo (upvote) haciendo click en el boton amarillo que tiene este simbolo ^. El otro boton sirve para dar un downvote. Solo lo he usado una vez y se enfadaron. No lo he vuelto a usar, pero me imagino q es como un boton de denuncia, si el contenido infringe alguna norma de la comunidad. Tambien creo que si tienes uno o dos, no pasa nada, pero si recibes mucho algo malo le sucedera tu cuenta. Hasta ahi puedo leer.

Al lado de los botones de voto sale el total que tenemos acumulado en ese post gracias a las propinas de los demas. El siguiente boton es para ver los comentarios que has recibido, y el ultimo es para rebloguear (retuitear, compartir...etc).

Tan solo añadir que la primera foto que añadamos al post es la utilizara el sistema como miniatura de vista previa.

5. Wallet o Monedero.

En la pagina de la wallet vemos esto como cabecera, es facil de interpretar. Numero de followers, numero de posts publicados y a cuantos usuarios sigue tu cuenta.


Justo de bajo tenemos esto:


HIVE: Total de Hive que tiene la cuenta.
HIVE POWER: (HP) Poder de voto de vuestra cuenta. Todo el Hive que tiene vuestra cuenta en stake.
HIVE DOLLARS: (HBD) Recompensas recibidas de propinas. No tengo claro cuando lo recibes en hive o en hbd, pero creo que depende el sistema de votos de la plataforma que los use.Aqui tenemos el valor de nuestra cuenta Hive. Que es la moneda de cambio principal de todo el universo #hive.

VIBES: Los VIBES que hemos recibido entre recompensas varias, ya sea por publicar, comentar, votar, o las recompensas que nos generan nuestros tokens minadores (VIBESM)
VIBES POWER: Como en #hive, este apartado representa nuestro poder de voto. La cantidad de VIBES que tenemos en stake.



Este boton lo he visto ya en varias plataformas. Y sirve para pedir de golpe las recompensas que tengas pendientes de haber publicado en otras plataformas. Pero atentos a la jugada, porque todo el universo #hive esta interconectado, de manera que lo que publico en #musicforife, dependiendo de las etiquetas o tags que uses, tu post se reflejara en diferentes plataformas #hive. No me quiero extender mucho con esto porque da para hablar, pero cobraras por el mismo post en diferentes tokens. Solo voy a poner un ejemplo:

Un post que hable sobre marihuana y tenga la etiqueta "WEED", se publicara a parte de un tu blog personal en la plataforma WEED que hay en #hive y recibiras las recompensas en el token WEED.

Si despues de leer este post teneis dudas, que seria lo mas lógico, podeis consultar cualquier inquietud en el canal de Discord de Academia Libertad -->

6. Curation Trail
Este sistema me dejo loco cuando lo entendi. Basicamente pone tu cuenta en piloto automatico y vota todo el contenido de esa plataforma generando recompensas en tu cuenta y cuanto mas poder de voto tenga tu cuenta, mas recompensas recibiras. Y de la misma forma, cuando publiques tu, todos votaran tu contenido. Mola!

Como suscribiros al curation trail de #musicforlife. En este enlace le dais a "Follow" y estareis entrando en la curation trail de #risingstar que no acabo de entender muy bien porque pero estan vinculadas con #musicforlife.

Se que quedan muchas dudas, pero por hoy es suficiente.
Esto es todo amigos!


Yepa! como va?
Yo soy fdeflash nacido en Barcelona y viviendo en Ibiza. Pocos meses de vida en #hive. Informatico. Gamer. Y alguna cosilla mas. Me gusta descubrir, coleccionar y subir de nivel. Me gusta escribir. Y estoy fascinado con todas las novedades que voy descubriendo, coleccionando y subiendo de nivel!

Me puedes encontrar en Twitter: Recien he llegado a Leo Finance: Te agradeceria que me siguieras en #hive: Sientete libre de seguirme en Publish0x: En Espero que estes en Rising Star: LBRY:$/invite/@gameplaysybugs:a Fan de DeFi:

Me gusta jugar con alguna que otra Chrome App

Airdrop: Channel App: Kuailian App: DeadPool Tab Style: T-series App:


Like everyone, I still have many doubts about the correct use of the platform. But what I have clear is what I am going to explain here.

1. The goal of #musicforlife is to promote all kinds of music content. Do you want to talk about music? Of your favorite groups? Of the pieces that you have composed this week? Well welcome, you are in the right place!

2. VIBES. It is the platform token. With it we can give upvotes (positive votes) to reward those authors who participate by creating content. So far so good, but there is still more.

We can buy a mining token that when staking it produces rewards in VIBES. That we must stake (now I will explain how ...) to make our voting power more powerful, that will grant greater rewards when we vote and therefore we will receive greater rewards for our voting.

First we bought a handful of VIBESM:

In the image we can see a closed padlock. It is the button to stake. In my photo it comes out open, which is the option to withdraw it from the stake. All that we have acquired in VIBESM, it is advisable to stake it to generate greater rewards from VIBES.

In this image we can see that the two padlocks appear, one closed and the other open. You know, since I have 0.6 VIBES, I will wait to add a little and I will stake it again, to increase the power of my vote and my account.

There is so much to explain that it is easy for me to forget things, but this is something that we will learn together as this community grows. It is not something we have to learn today yes or yes. It is better to go one step at a time and when you understand something you can go to the next level.

3. Voting system:

The voting system works the same for all #hive platforms. We give a positive vote (upvote) by clicking on the yellow button that has this symbol ^. The other button serves to give a downvote. I've only used it once and they got mad. I have not used it again, but I imagine that it is like a report button, if the content violates a community rule. I also think that if you have one or two, nothing happens, but if you receive a lot, something bad will happen to your account. Even there I can read.

Next to the voting buttons is the total that we have accumulated in that post thanks to the tips of others. The next button is to see the comments you have received, and the last button is to reblog (retweet, share ... etc).

Just add that the first photo that we add to the post is the system will use it as a preview thumbnail.

5. Wallet

On the wallet page we see this as a header, it is easy to interpret. Number of followers, number of published posts and how many users your account follows.

Right below we have this:

HIVE: Total Hive that has the account.
HIVE POWER: (HP) Voting power of your account. All the Hive that your stake account has.
HIVE DOLLARS: (HBD) Rewards received from tips. I am not sure when you receive it in hive or in hbd, but I think it depends on the voting system of the platform that uses them.Here we have the value of our Hive account. Which is the main bargaining chip of the entire #hive universe.

VIBES: The VIBES that we have received among various rewards, either for publishing, commenting, voting, or the rewards that our mining tokens (VIBESM) generate us
VIBES POWER: As in #hive, this section represents our voting power. The amount of VIBES we have in stake.


I have already seen this button on various platforms. And it serves to suddenly ask for the rewards that you have pending to have published on other platforms. But pay attention to the game, because the whole #hive universe is interconnected, so that what I publish in #musicforife, depending on the tags or tags you use, your post will be reflected in different #hive platforms. I do not want to extend much with this because it gives to talk, but you will charge for the same post in different tokens. I'm just going to give an example:

A post that talks about marijuana and has the label "WEED", will be published in addition to your personal blog on the WEED platform that is in #hive and you will receive the rewards in the WEED token.

If after reading this post you have doubts, whatWhich would be the most logical thing to do, you can consult any concerns on the Discord channel of Academia Libertad ->

6. Curation Trail
This system drove me crazy when I understood it. Basically put your account on automatic pilot and vote all the content of that platform generating rewards in your account and the more voting power your account has, the more rewards you will receive. And in the same way, when you publish, everyone will vote for your content. Cool!

How to subscribe to the #musicforlife curation trail. In this link you give "Follow" and you will be entering the curation trail of #risingstar that I do not quite understand very well because but they are linked to #musicforlife.

I know that there are many doubts, but for today it is enough.
This is all friends!

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Yepa! how's it going?
I am fdeflash born in Barcelona and living in Ibiza. Few months of life in #hive. Informatic. Gamer. And some other little thing. I like to discover, collect and level up. I like to write. And I am fascinated with all the news that I am discovering, collecting and leveling up!

You can find me on Twitter: I have just arrived at Leo Finance: I would appreciate it if you would follow me on #hive: Feel free to follow me on Publish0x: In Hope you are on Rising Star: LBRY:$/invite/@gameplaysybugs:a DeFi Fan:

I like to play with the odd Chrome App

Airdrop: Channel App: Kuailian App: DeadPool Tab Style: T-series App:


Cool post. Makes alot of sense. I didn't know that you have to have a staked token in order to start earning. Thought it would just accumulattenas you go.

Thanks also for writing in English this time. At east I can also read. Sending hugs and good vibes to you in Ibiza ✌️

Excelente publicación. Pronto estará en funcionamiento el trail de curación de Musicforlife.
firma spa.gif

That Cool! I loved the details. And it helped me to understand.

Thank u for the comment! Nice to help u!

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This post has been upvoted by @opgaming. We like what you're posting, and we want to reward our members who produce quality content. Keep up the good work!

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