
Looks like we both like the same music. Nice to see you! Haven't had a chat in awhile. Hope things are well.

I've been around, cavemaning as I do. I hope you're been well also.

I've been pretty good. Job's going well still. Keeping Annette in check. LOL. Got a few projects I'm working on and happy about. I'll have to tell you about them.

But rest assured, you're still my favorite knucklehead. That hasn't changed.

Dominating Annette is probably what you mean right? Nah, just kidding...Or am I? Lol.

It's good to hear the new role is going well - it probably has something to do with you being good at your job.

I'm not bad at the job. I mean, I'm aaight. Gotta keep all those boys in order, and on DOMINATING ANNETTE. . . You have NOOOOOOO idea. She be like "Waaaa!"

I'll catch up with you soon for real though. I miss the chats.

Haha, serves her right. I imagine you're dominating like a herd of buffalo on the tundra.

More like Taming The Shrew. In the attitude of a herd of buffalo.

Things are going extremely well. Happy that you both like my music. Hope you are well too.