I'm a big fan of System Of a Down, I was even able to watch their concert at Rock in Rio 2015, but I'll talk about the band in another post. Now I want to focus on the band's vocalist Serj Tankian.
The sound of his voice always pleased me, in addition to the lyrics and style. This from the band itself as well as his solo career. That year he released his third EP called Elasticity. With 5 tracks of songs that he had written some time ago for the band, but which in the end were not recorded due to disagreement between the parts.
Now, last week Serj released her clip for the song How Many Times, which was directed by Roger Kupelian (X-Men and Lord of the Rings), where Serj made the following statement:
“It's amazing to work with my good friend Roger Kupelian again. He knows better than anyone else to interpret in images all the feeling present in a song”.
This is the last track on the EP to win the music video and it was amazing!
Follow it ;)
Sou muito fã de System Of a Down, inclusive pude assistir um show deles no Rock in Rio 2015, mas falarei da banda em outro post. Agora quero focar no vocalista da banda, Serj Tankian.
O som da voz dele sempre me agradou, além das letras e estilo. Isso desde a banda mesmo em si como na carreira solo dele. Que nesse ano ele lançou seu terceiro EP chamado Elasticity. Com 5 faixas de músicas que ele mesmo havia escrito tempos atrás para a banda, mas que no fim não foram gravadas devido a discordância entre partes.
Agora, na última semana Serj divulgou seu o Clip da música How Many Times que contou com a direção de Roger Kupelian (Do X-Men e Senhor dos Anéis), onde Serj fez a seguinte declaração:
“É incrível trabalhar com meu bom amigo Roger Kupelian novamente. Ele sabe como ninguém interpretar em imagens todo o sentimento presente em uma canção”.
Essa é a última faixa do EP a ganhar o vídeo clipe e ficou sensacional!
Acompanhe ;)

Love SOAD. Love Serj even more! Thanks for the great post.
I love it too!
I was able to watch their program and it was amazing
I'll talk about it in an upcoming post here.