(esta será una serie de post donde les contare como la música a influido en mi desde muy pequeño hasta el día de hoy, conocerán diferentes etapas y versiones de mi con las cuales muchos de ustedes se sentirán identificados, espero los entretenga un poco).
De cassettera a CDs, de CDs a consolas. Así es, pasaba el año 2008 cuando me enamore perdidamente, y no, no de una persona, mas bien de un videojuego y de una banda de rock. Justo el año en que compre mi consola de PS2 se estrena Guitar Hero Aerosmith, debo admitir que no le tenia mucha fe, no me imaginaba como podría ser interesante un juego de guitarras, me imaginaba unas mecánicas muy aburridas y poco interesantes. definitivamente nunca estuve mas equivocado (nunca). en cuanto inicie el juego mi vida cambio, y no solo en ese momento, lo hizo para siempre.
nunca estuve mas cerca de ser una estrella o un musico, me ponía frente a la tele y flipaba pensando que si podia tocar de esa manera tan brutal. recordar temas como Amazing, crazy y walk this way me hacen querer estar ahi de nuevo.
lastima que es algo que nunca voy a recuperar.
(this will be a series of posts where I will tell you how music has influenced me since I was a child until today, you will know different stages and versions of me with which many of you will feel identified, I hope it will entertain you a little).
From cassette to CDs, from CDs to consoles. That's right, it was 2008 when I fell madly in love, and no, not with a person, but with a video game and a rock band. Just the year I bought my PS2 console, Guitar Hero Aerosmith was released, I must admit I didn't have much faith in it, I couldn't imagine how a guitar game could be interesting, I imagined very boring and uninteresting mechanics. I was definitely never more wrong (never). As soon as I started the game my life changed, and not only at that moment, it did it forever.
I was never closer to being a star or a musician, I would stand in front of the TV and freak out thinking if I could play that brutal way. remembering songs like Amazing, crazy and walk this way make me want to be there again.
Too bad it's something I'll never get back.
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