This publication is as out of place as it is to take time to sit down to write, the routine has become so absorbing, I almost feel that I have lost my attraction for writing and the mood to undertake in hive, being honest in these conditions often wins me the lack of motivation or inspiration, I realize it because today listening to the new coldplay song began to sprout from my ideas that I had forgotten.
The music of the spheres is coldplay's new album which is loaded with a lot of space themes, without leaving aside the rhythm that characterizes it and the lyrics that inspire hearts, in particular I love it because I am fascinated by space, I hope to continue sharing my opinion regarding the other songs.
Maybe it's because these doses of music cause me an incomprehensible empathy, or because the lyrics and the intention of these songs resonate in me (everyone who loves coldplay knows what I'm talking about) or because in my opinion I see from many perspectives a simply elegant message that can be summarized in LOVE, and all that this implies, I don't know, at least it makes me think, feel, write.

Higher Power this new song sounds like I'm like a broken record, said by Chris Martin himself, maybe he means that he comes to sing more of the same, you know about dreams, the love of life, the joy of being accompanied, the euphoria of achieving an important goal but also the difficulty of the road, the inner and outer effort, and of a higher power that can have many interpretations, the truth is that wherever you see it in the songs of coldplay you will see this tone, in the classics from Fix you, Yellow, the scientist, adventure of a lifetime, clocks, even everyday life, champions of the world, songs loaded with this content that connects you with a perspective or a reality.

But you can be a "broken record" and still shine, in the sense of not losing the charm when you release a new song, my opinion is very subjective, but I think this is because coldplay shares their passion in a more general aspect, one that feeds hearts, reactivates the spirit, captivates to the point of euphoria and gives that electricity that turns on the lights off. And even if you repeat it a thousand ways, it won't fail to enchant, as long as what you share is with love.

From this song well the lyrics in general are fantastic, I can relate in several parts:
I'm not going to make it, in many ways I have felt this way, before and at times in my present I am overcome with negativity, especially in red markets, when the hive and decentralized economy loses steam.
This reminds me of when I am doing something that fatigues me, that demands me, and right after the denial appears in my mind this question, can I go higher, can I endure the pain of the effort, tell my body and my mind that it will be soon, that the bad moment will pass.
You said
I've got my hands up, shaking just to let you know.
That you've got a higher power.
The appeal of this part lies in that third person, out of context, coming in authentically to reactivate.... well whatever needs to be reactivated, the point is to assimilate this, to make effective the words, the energy, the gift that a support can inspire.I'm so happy that I'm alive
Happy I'm alive at the same time as you.
It is the reaction that we want to have (at least me) a felt happiness, sincere, grateful, with myself, with the one who accompanies me, free... Electric and intense, how to emphasize that it must be special, because as the song says Once in a lifetime , it is once in a lifetime where one experiences a happiness full of peace and harmony.And for so long
I've been down on my knees.
I like this part more for how he says it, than for its meaning, almost in the ecstasy of the song, I think it rectifies everything I say, it's like a cry of relief, of freedom, of having achieved something that has cost a lot based on sacrifice, effort, pleas, everything makes sense here, the waiting, the tears, in short...

And yes, this song is a mountain of emotions, which goes from less to more, as if it were a rocket heading to the space of dreams come true to the rhythm of the rhythm of the song.
The music of the spheres is the new coldplay album which is loaded with a lot of space theme, without leaving aside the rhythm that characterizes it and the lyrics that inspires hearts, in particular I love it because I am fascinated by space and this kind of songs that motivate me to learn, I hope to share my opinion about the other songs.
Source of the photos taken as a capture/ Photo taken with a Huawei Y6 phone.translator