
I'm usually up around 6am, regardless of when I go to bed. But had got into the habit of hitting social media and just farting about for a couple of hours before work. Which is not a good idea. Doomscrolling before breakfast does not put you in a good state of mind for the day.

So, I thought I'd try to do at least a little bit of something creative. And that tune fell out! I was a s surprised as anyone. I have so many unused/unusable little loops and hlaf-ideas. I generate a lot of chaff, for the wheat that actually makes it 😁😉

And this morning I wrote the above post.

With the mornings getting lighter, I ought to start to get out for an early morning walk as well.

Fair enough. I am usually awake around 7 and not into lying in bed too long, but I have got into a bad habit of checking all the socials on my phone before I get up.

It's a thing, isn't it. So tempting to do....

He starts working when I got bed sometimes

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Well, I'm not staying in bed when you get in it.

what about my cuddle?

After what happened the last time?

Dream on.