El hombre que murio por defender sus tierras./The man who died to defend his lands.

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago

La historia detrás de la cancion ep1."Feliciano calibre 50"

Hola a todos he decidido crear una serie de publicaciones sobre la historia detrás de diferentes canciones independientemente del genero musical para el primer episodio contare la historia detrás de la canción del regional mexicano la cual nos narra la historia de don "Feliciano" cuyo nombre real es Don Alejo Garza, Para iniciar debemos conocer un poco la historia de don alejo, fue un empresario y cazador dueño de un rancho en el estado de tamaulipas fruto de su trabajo.

La mañana del sabado 13 de 2010 unos sujetos parte de una organización criminal llegaron al rancho de don alejo, venían a traer una ultima advertencia ya que las personas querían el rancho de don alejo para sembrar su producto aunque en la canción se menciona que le ofrecen dinero a don Alejo lamentablemente esta parte no es real ya que la organización criminal había quitado otros ranchos a los alrededores sin dar nada a cambio,.

La amenaza era clara tenia 24 horas para entregar su propiedad o perdería su vida y la de su familia, faltando algunas horas para que terminara su plazo don Alejo tomo su decisión
ordeno a todos sus trabajadores que no se presentaran a trabajar al día siguiente quedando el solo en el rancho, Durante la madrugada del domingo 14 de febrero varias camionetas con hombres armados arribaron al rancho pero para su sorpresa don Alejo ya los esperaba atrincherado y armado en su casa haciendoles saber que no le quitarian aquello que con mucho esfuerzo le costo conseguir, comenzando asi un fuerte enfrentamiento (en el lugar se contaron mas de 900 casquillos de bala) entre don alejo y el grupo criminal.

Las fuerzas armadas mexicanas ya estaban en camino al rancho de don alejo al saber esto los agresores emprendieron la huida mas no salieron ilesos don alejo logro matar a 4 de ellos ademas de herir de gravedad a otros 2, Lamentablemente al llegar las autoridades encontraron el cuerpo de don alejo recargado tras una ventana había muerto por heridas de bala.
Dedicado a ese gran hombre que murió por defender su tierra Don Alejo Garza Tamez

** The story behind the song ep1. "Feliciano caliber 50" **

Hello everyone I have decided to create a series of publications about the history behind different songs regardless of the musical genre. For the first episode I will tell the story behind the song of the Mexican regional which tells us the story of Don "Feliciano" whose real name is Don Alejo Garza, To begin we must know a little the history of Don Alejo, he was a businessman and hunter who owned a ranch in the state of Tamaulipas as a result of his work.

On the morning of Saturday 13, 2010, some subjects part of a criminal organization arrived at Don Alejo's ranch, they came to bring a last warning since people wanted Don Alejo's ranch to plant their product, although in the song it is mentioned that they offer him money to Don Alejo unfortunately this part is not real since the criminal organization had taken away other ranches in the surroundings without giving anything in return.

The threat was clear, he had 24 hours to hand over his property or he would lose his life and that of his family, missing a few hours until his term ended, Don Alejo made his decision.
He ordered all his workers not to report to work the next day, leaving him alone at the ranch.During the early morning of Sunday, February 14, several trucks with armed men arrived at the ranch, but to their surprise Don Alejo was already waiting for them entrenched and armed in his house letting them know that they would not take away what it cost him to obtain with much effort, thus beginning a strong confrontation (in the place there were more than 900 bullet casings) between Don Alejo and the criminal group.

The Mexican armed forces were already on their way to Don Alejo's ranch, upon learning this, the aggressors fled but did not escape unscathed. Don Alejo managed to kill 4 of them in addition to seriously injuring another 2, Unfortunately upon arrival the authorities found the body Don Alejo, leaning behind a window, had died of gunshot wounds.
Dedicated to that great man who died to defend his land Don Alejo Garza Tamez

Posted via MusicForLife.io


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