Now Following All Hive Power Delegators!

in BlockTunes2 years ago (edited)


Delegating to @blocktunes and the @blocktunesdao has bonuses for not just musicians and the greater music community as a whole, but it also benefits those delegating in more ways than one!

If you delegate to either BlockTunes account, the main account will also follow you as well as set up an automatic post follows that is tiered based on your delegation. This is a way for us to give back to those that are helping us grow in more ways than with MUSIC tokens! This is all done through

Tiers For Delegation Follow Auto Voting

The automatic voting percentage is based on the amount of Hive Power you have delegated. The higher the delegation, the higher the percentage upvote, and more votes throughout the week!

1-49 HP- 10% Vote power - 2 per day 2 per week
50-99 HP- 20% Vote power - 2 per day 2 per week
100-499 HP- 30% Vote power - 2 per day 4 per week
500-749 HP- 40% Vote power - 2 per day 6 per week
750-999 HP- 50% Vote power - 2 per day 6 per week
1000-2499 HP- 60% Vote power - 2 per day 10 per week
2500—4999 HP- 70% Vote power - 2 per day 10 per week
5000—7499 HP- 80% Vote power - 2 per day 10 per week
7500-9999 HP- 90% Vote power 2 per day 10 per week
10,000+ HP - 100% Vote power - 2 per day 10 per week

Below is a screenshot of the current delegators and the voting power we have behind them on autopilot. NOTE: This does not include manual voting or voting behind other curation trails.

Screen Shot 20221118 at 2.28.35 PM.png

Again, this is our way of saying thank you to those that delegate to us! We will be doing a weekly audit of the delegation list and adjusting the percentages accordingly. If you remove your delegation, we remove the auto-voting.

Edit: Based on feedback, we are making this an experimental feature. If we find that we are voting on low grade content from your account, we will remove the auto vote and manually vote your content as we see fit. If it becomes a bigger issue we will discontinue the auto-vote entirely.

Building A Bigger Music Community Through Voting Power

We are doing this all for the greater music community because music and supporting independent musicians is our passion! This is our way of giving back to the world we love in a new and exciting way!

If you are a musician, come join our community on Hive and earn some MUSIC tokens on top of Hive and HBD! Stake your MUSIC tokens and earn future rewards from our DAO or use them to purchase MUSIC NFTs from our marketplace on Hive!

If you want to step up your game, look into starting a BlockTunes PRO account on our main site and get more benefits such as minting access to our advanced Polygon based NFT Marketplaces, your own online retail store, artist bio page, music file hosting, and more!

Whether you go PRO or not, if you have music you want to release to the mainstream platform, we can help with that as well with our Worldwide Music Distribution service!

Check out for all the information!

Join The Independent Music Revolution



Support by voting for the @blocktunesdao Hive-Engine Witness with WORKERBEE stake at Tribaldex

Delegate Hive Power to either @blocktunes or the @blocktunesdao and earn 0.05 MUSIC tokens for every 1 Hive Power delegated, plus receive tiered automatic votes and a follow from the @blocktunes account!


Posted using BlockTunes


Have some of my HP mate, keep up the good work with BlockTunes!

Thanks friend! Now I’ll finally have you posting through tags, lol.

Haha! I think I need a crash course again in how it works around here. I don't post all that often and am offline more than I'm on so a bit of rust has formed on what I thought I knew!

Hi there, I came across this post as the @stickupboys reblogged it and I have a lot of respect for the guys.

As a curator for two large curation guilds on Hive and active in anti abuse work, whenever someone offers auto upvotes in return for delegation, it is guaranteed that they will end up upvoting some low effort or shit content even though it's not their intention. People are very quick to catch on these schemes for the sake of guaranteed upvotes. I see you have mentioned weekly audit of the delegation to adjust upvote %, hopefully you will have something in place to monitor content as well because those shit content will be downvoted by the community, and if it continues it will put your project in jeopardy, as we have seen in some previous projects.

The music community is a large and strong one on Hive and is something that can easily bring users together regardless of language. I wish you success with it!

We appreciate your concern and feedback and will take it into account, but we are proceeding forward as planned. I also run multiple other projects on Hive and run similar offerings on those as well and have never had any issues.

Based on your feedback, I edited to post to contain the following disclaimer:

Edit: Based on feedback, we are making this an experimental feature. If we find that we are voting on low grade content from your account, we will remove the auto vote and manually vote your content as we see fit. If it becomes a bigger issue we will discontinue the auto-vote entirely.

Thanks for your response and update @blocktunes, I really appreciate it.

We all have the same ultimate objective here, and that's to grow communities to make the whole Hive ecosystem stronger and bigger, I'm pretty sure we're going to achieve that in the long run!!!

For sure, thanks again for the feedback.

this is a good point! We just want a thriving music community on Hive! Although I will say one thing....if we share a song that takes days if not weeks of is worth a lot of words of blogging....sometimes we feel this is not necessarily appreciated when people look at word counts!

I really don't think most people read a full post anyway. I don't feel that sharing songs and mixes requires an essay either. That's the problem with Hive is the old guard can't get past the need for everything being a 2000 word blog post. I've seen that by writing out instructional posts, you can write out everything in complete detail, but still nobody reads it... Just saying... lol. So yeah, unfortunately it’s not appreciated in a world where communication is dumbed down to 280 characters, lol. I say this as someone that enjoys writing as well, lol.

Well definitely a fine line all of this! Big up the music!

Good one bro! Must delegate now!

Posted using BlockTunes

While im not a music producer i feel this sort of project is gonna be potentially good for the whole of hive so of course you have my support in this endeavour


That’s what it is all about! Thank you for your awesome support!

Greetings friends, I am the leader of a music community and I would like to work together with you.

Hello, certainly open to working with you on our efforts. Come join our discord and we can chat!

Wow, this was an unexpected benefit. Great to support the music community grow on Hive!

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World Cup Contest - New Sponsor - LeoFinance joins the party with 1000 more HIVE!
World Cup Contest - New Sponsor and Prizes - dCrops adds 30000 CROP and 300 NFTs
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Collect badges and win prizes - More than 5500 HIVE to win
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