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RE: Parkrun No.9 - 22km (another Parkrun PB, but no fruit spread!)

in EXHAUSTlast year

Wow, no idea how you managed that in the heat.. well done

The lack of fruit spread is annoying though, guess I'll now go spend some more feckin' money on Amazon stuff... (no wonder the high street is going downhill!)

That's the trouble.. Amazon gives us so many options..


Wow, no idea how you managed that in the heat.. well done

Thank you, and er 'slowly' was how I managed it!

Yep, and time and time again I try to shop in town, and I end up up having to resort to amazon as they have the items I want, in the variety/size I want, with free delivery.

Curse them and their super efficient and successful business model! 😅