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RE: Cardio, weights, or both? What do you do?

in EXHAUST3 years ago

I am a cardio person first and weights second. I prefer to be toned rather than muscly if you get me. More of a footballers body. I went a bit mad on the rowing machine before xmas and got two hernias from it. It's crap because it interupts my routine with weights. I am mostly doing upper body weights now that keep away from the abdominal. What do you recommend for someone with a hernia?


yeah i have encouraged hernias from overexertion as well. It's a tough one to avoid in bodybuilding. Once I was bulking and started getting cramps or stitches just from trying to put my shoes on in a standing position.

As far as ab exercises are concerned I am not a medical professional so please take this advice with a grain of salt but I prefer leg lifts from dip machine, or one of those roller skate things where you lunge forward. Sorry but i have forgotten the actual name of it.

I don't EVER do traditional situps because there is so much that can go wrong, especially for someone older like me or someone in your situation as well.