Thank you! !LUV
It is a road marathon. And to be honest, @marenontherun (btw, is your name "Maren"?) I won't mind if I have to swap it out for a short trail ultra or a trail marathon because, let's face it, I like trails better. It's just a convenient, seemingly achievable goal that I know my partner can also happily get onboard with.
My pulse zones may not be correct. As soon as I can find the motivation, I'm going to test what my actual max heart rate is (as opposed to the standard Max HR = 220 - my age) and see if they need adjusting. The other thing is, I don't run with a chest strap; it's my watch that's recording my heart rate and watches can be notoriously incorrect. So I think I need to take note of my PRE (perceived rate of effort) more so on each run than rely on my tech to tell me what my body is doing.
That is my name, yes. :)
I also don't use the chest strap very often. It's so much more convenient to just run by feeling. Also, I'm not too serious about these numbers. I run easy on easy days and in between I do some tempo.