Long Run - 22km km (after searching for Orchids)

in EXHAUST8 months ago

dannewton just finished a 22.06km run, that lasted for 144 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1694.0 calories.

Description from Strava: I knew today was going to be a busy day, and I knew it was gonna be hot too!

Here in the UK after a cold and wet summer so far, we have been given a reprieve with a (very) short heatwave. The last 3 weeks we've had highs of 17-19C, and for the last 3 days we've been touching 29C in some parts of the country, its been a real shock to the system!

Today was meant to be a start of the return to the cooler temps, but that wasn't the case, and we were going to end up with wall to wall sunshine, and highs again of 26C

It is of course a Saturday today, and that should mean Long Run day, but my partner really wanted to head back to a Nature Reserve she had previously visited. Last Summer, she had gone to seek out a rarer species of Orchid - a Marsh Helleborine, but failed. After a bit of reaserch she decided it was too late in the year so they had already gone to seed.

She needed to try again the following year (and get the date right of course!)

Well, today was that day!


We headed out to the reserve over near a village called Saltfleetby

(it is a real place name honest!)

My partner and I spend all morning searching the reserve, and while we founfd lots of cool stuff, there were know sign of the orchids. We were begining to get hot and bothered by this point, so we headed back to the car to grab some lunch, some cold water, and most importantly some shade.

After 30 minutes or so, and feeling suitably refreshed, we decided to try again...


...on the 2nd time around the reserve, we found a handy little information board, which provided information such as various geographical locations, and species that we might be able to see. A small note in the corner of the noticeboard stated that it was possible to see the Marsh Helleborine in the wet meadow in the centre of the reserve

that turned out to be very useful info

Literally within 10 minutes we had located the section, and found the plant we were looking for


So glad we went back to try a second time. My parnter was ecstacic to have found the plant she was looking for, and I was relieved as it meant we could now head back home... I still had stuff to do today


We arrived home just after 3pm, and it wasn't ideal to be heading out to do the long run in what would be the warmest part of the day, but I knew if I didn't get this completed now, then I wouldn't be able to get it done this weekend.

I already have plans for Sunday, helping Dad and then visiting other family

I knew I wanted to hit the Half Marathon distance today, so I chose a route around Lincoln that was simple and which I had done many times before. This would hopefully mean I wouldn't have to think to hard on where I was going, and could just get it done.

And I did get it done.

It was hot, I was slow... but it didn't matter, I just needed to tick it off as part of keeping my training consistent (I've missed too many sessions recently, and need to get back on top of it again).

And now I can put my feet up for what little is left this evening.

Tomorrow I will visit Dad to help sort his music out, and then we'll both go and visit my brother and his family for a barbeque

And then before I know it, it will be back to work on Monday, these weekends just go so quickly!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)



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This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @michelmake.util - 10456.0 Calories Burned
  2. @navidjahanshahi - 9002.9 Calories Burned
  3. @borniet - 4196.0 Calories Burned
  4. @argon - 4046.1000000000004 Calories Burned
  5. @run.vince.run - 3910.0 Calories Burned

I can sense that you and your partner had a very good time. It’s cool and how hot is it over there? Extremely hot?

Very great dedication brother. Balancing a hot day and a long run is impressive. Enjoy the rest of your weekend

Weeow @dannewton - well done!! 😍 From Marsh Helleborine to half marathons - your day was full of accomplishments. And not a terrible run time either, especially in the heat!

Well done on the run and finding the orchids. We have more interesting flora in this country than most people assume.


BEERHey @dannewton, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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It's a lot of kilometres hahaha... but in nature it feels good and with the reward of having found the orchids. I hope you were able to do what you had planned for today with your father.

Weekends fly by, it's true!