Yep really cool how the stick disappears, it happens automatically as well, so no need to edit by me (presumably as the stick is always in the same position in relation to the 2 lenses, it is able to work it out).
And yep that is how the 'panning' action works, a really neat feature, and adds something different to the standard camera shot. The only issue is that it requires an extra step in editing the video clip, as you have to select the area of the image to export into a standard frame, before you can then start making the video itself.
It isn't cheap no, but no decent cameras are. I did try borrowing my partners cheap knock off (£50) and the lack of quality was obvious! I was happy leaving the camera today, as the area is quiet... I wouldn't try this with people nearby!
You've had rain?? We've had 18C and sunny all 3 days... really nice, but totally unexpected!