jonas0503 cross-posted this post in EXHAUST 4 years ago

How Do I Work Out During Quarantine - 5 Benefits

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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If you just spend whole day to sleep, lying in bed?

It is not really a best way to improve your health, keep your calm. Instead, work out is one of the things you should do. I will show 5 benefits when you work out at home:

1. Definitely your freedom: You do not have to depend on the opening and closing times of the gym. Beside you’re in control: set up your own rules and exercise at your own pace while listening to your favorite music to help you get in the mood.

2. Save time: When you go to the gym, you have to prepare a lot of things like wake up early, get dressed, change into your workout clothes...
When you work out at home, the only thing you’ll have to think about is the actual workout.

3. Save money: Although the quality of exercise at home will not be as good as in the gym, for a person with limited financial resources, or even you are a thrifty person, it is a reasonable and right choice. You’ll definitely save some money in the long run if you purchase the right equipment for you.

4. No distracsion: Don’t you ever get the feeling that some people go to the gym just to make new friends instead of working out? if your main goal is to get in shape, then you might want to avoid being distracted by others. If you work out at home, you’ll be able to focus and get things done.

5. No stress: If you are a shy person in front of a crowd, feel uncomfortable when so many people look at you, work out at home will keep you focused. Even if you really want to try that new workout, no one is there to judge you. No one will give you some advice you never asked for.

Above are my sharing about my work out at home experience. As long as you have your own goals in mind, the right space, and equipment, you’ll be all set to experience the benefits of working out at home. However, if you are a person who likes guidance and professionalism, gym shop is not a bad option.

Jonas Nguyen.

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