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RE: Damp recovery run

in EXHAUST3 years ago (edited)

The history would be interesting, but, I'd rather appreciate the look and history from a far hahaha

Great stuff man, how was it say when you first started running compared to now? As you said you done a half a marathons worth of running in the last few days with no leg pain. But, at the start were there times when you wanted to give it up?

Also, cheers for the beer!


There were some articles about the place in a local magazine. I can remember when there were still patients there. Had a confused old man wander into our garden one day.

I started running about ten years ago. Back then a run around the block would leave me panting for a while. I've probably done about 10,000km since then and built some stamina. It all takes time. Now it's a habit and I know what I can do.

Ahh the poor divil, I'd say that must of been a strange situation for yourself and him.

That's amazing man 10,000km in 10 years is something else, that's around a quarter of the earth. Pretty imressive. As the saying goes it's not a race, it's a marathon haha bit of a... running joke there.

Great stuff though, well done!