One more time: Evening Run

in EXHAUST4 years ago

I just finished a 7.994km running that lasted about 0hh:37mm:1ss !


Just like yesterday, the weather was nice and sunny, but quite windy, which means no bike ride. My knee is far from perfect, but surprisingly running yesterday did not make things worse, if anything it's better. So, I went for another easy run. About same time, late afternoon, just before sunset (although today, a few clouds kind of covered it). Same setup, knee brace and shoes with extra cushion. I went with long sleeves and no gloves, probably should have done the opposite. I'll know for next time.

I started on the same route and just added extra loops along the way. Just enough to reach 8km. I'm kind of proud of myself I managed to keep the distance reasonable, because I felt pretty good and could have run much longer. But if going for a run with a bum knee might be a little dumb, going for a long run would be even dumber... Let's not over do it!

Slow-ish kind of pace, but again speed was not the point. Just wanted to be outdoors, and get some miles in. And under 7:30min/mile, this is not that bad anyways. Since I'm always looking for excuses, the wind was quite annoying and did not help.

For sure, tomorrow no running. Hopefully, a nice and easy hike in one of the local parks. If not, maybe a bike ride, as the wind is supposed to finally calm down.
Till then, keep Exhausting!

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*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

Enjoy a !BEER in the meantime...

*Reblogged by @runningproject