Hows that abs new Year's resolution routine going so far with you? I am on another routine I will have to post about it soon :) Preparing myself for a OCR.
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Hows that abs new Year's resolution routine going so far with you? I am on another routine I will have to post about it soon :) Preparing myself for a OCR.
I've stayed consistent and the exercises are getting a bit easier, but it's still something I'm having to force myself to do... It has not yet become a routine yet, but soon will.
An obstacle course race sounds like a lot of fun! I assume that's what you mean by saying OCR.
Yes, that's it! I am trying to get better at pull ups and dead hang. Anything that's monkey 🐒 hanging haha. Maybe I incorporate climbing to the workout too.
Pull-ups used to be so easy for me when I weighed 140lbs, but now that I'm 190lbs I can't pump them out like I used to. I can still do one, but not unlimited. I wish we had a local obstacle course or ninja warrior training center.