Morning Run: parkrun #127. Yes mud deer

in EXHAUST2 months ago


This run helped steevc burn 562.0 calories. @steevc just finished a 7.02km run, that lasted for 48 minutes.

Description from Strava:
I did a run yesterday morning that went quite well. I actually got faster as I went on, but was not trying too hard. I wanted to have some energy for parkrun at [Henlow Bridge Lakes]( I did offer to volunteer, but they had a full roster already. I will do it another week.

It has been a little wet this week, so I was expecting mud. Some parts of the course are okay, but there is some fairly deep mud and stretches where there is a film of mud that is very slippery. I had my trail shoes, but there is only so much they can cope with. I think some other people were in road shoes that would be worse.

I knew it would not be quick and so my aim was to just stay upright. There are a few molehills near the start that could trip you up before we hit the deeper mud. Some of that has been covered in wood-chippings. On the slippery stretches you just have to try and find traction. If there is some grass then that can be better, but it will get churned up eventually. We do not get huge numbers so it could be worse.

I was sliding around, but kept running. As I was passing the finish to start my last lap a deer ran in front of me. It tried to get through the hedge around the campsite, but I think it got a bit stuck. As I went on I heard someone say it went back again. I have never had that happen there before, but we see the deer around now and then.

On the last lap I overtook a woman I had followed for a while. Then I gradually caught up with a guy just before the final straight. I pushed for the finish, but he came back past me. Looking at the results I can see he is a bit younger than me, but the woman is older. There are some older folk who do really well.

This was not a quick time, as expected, but I was happy enough to complete it. I am just amazed that people could still run around 20 minutes for 5km in those conditions.

I jogged most of the way back, so my legs still had something left. I will keep building up my runs in the next few months and hope to improve my times.

We have been out shopping since then. We need various stuff to re-model the garden. We did not do much over the winter, but need to get it ready for planting.

Run free! Stravans can give me a shout if they want to get their runs onto Hive where I have been blogging and earning for over 8 years.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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Hey, @steevc!! Looking good!!!

I had to shine my shoes once I had got into the mud.

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @navidjahanshahi - 10934.499999999998 Calories Burned
  2. @kiwibloke - 6302.899999999999 Calories Burned
  3. @argon - 4845.3 Calories Burned
  4. @michelmake.util - 4561.0 Calories Burned
  5. - 3661.0 Calories Burned

Very good for you 👍🏾
