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RE: My 2023 resolution is to do these X-tinction ab exercises every single day

in EXHAUST2 years ago

That's awesome bro! While building a good habit takes time, working out comes with such an awesome reward and is definitely worth the temporary pain and discomfort!

I used to work out a lot, especially when I was in the Navy cuz we didn't have much to do on the Aircraft Carrier outside of our work, but sadly I've fallen out of the routine!

Getting stronger is obviously one end goal, getting in shape makes you look good and feel better about yourself, but what I loved the most was the endorphins and the stress relief I received. I loved the way I felt during the workout! No matter how bad your day way, you could always go lift some weights to take out the frustration from the day!

I'm glad you've set a reasonable goal for yourself, and I know you can crush this thing! Can't wait to see your results man! Good luck brother!


I grew up playing sports but never focused specifically on strength training. Now that I am, I am obsessed with it. I imagine being out on a ship or locked up in prison would both be times when working out is pretty much the only thing to do. There are so many benefits to being in good shape, I agree that it is not just about looking and feeling strong. Our bodies seem to just be happier when we are active.