Happy Birthday Kenny Mama🥂

in HiveGhana2 years ago

In my quest for a voice, I meet a resource woman. A woman I will forever be indebted to for how far she has pulled me along. A woman who just gave me an invitation and that was the beginning of a lifelong journey for me. Alhamdulillah, I meet you dear, Kenny Mama. Happy birthday.

It was at the Meet the Mayor conference when a question was asked, “What’s the legal age for someone to have sex” I didn’t know the answer but I thought it was 18. Then someone with colored hair answered, “It’s 16 years” That was the answer. I was amazed as I turned to look at who it was and it was you. After that was a conversation and that was where everything started.

For how far I have known you, you have been a woman of greatness. A woman who pushes the best out of everyone. We are blessed to have you because you are a woman everyone will need in his or her difficult times. Loyalty isn’t about being loyal it’s about saying it how it is even if it hurts. That’s how you have to be. Enjoy the day, Kenny Mama.

We pray for you. We pray for guidance for you. We pray for your voice and we pray for your energy. We pray for more violence and we pray for more glory. In that times when you need the energy and grace to motivate us, we pray you always have it. In that times when you are down and we aren’t there to pull you up, just know we are with you in our hearts and we pray you have more good memories in life. In our children we get hope. As we celebrate you, we pray the lord favors your children and make them grow to be as wonderful and great people for humanity as you are. We pray your name reaches the skies and not stay there but be amongst the names that would be written down on any of the planets when we visit there one day. May this year of grace to you. Happy birthday.


May you have many of these. May we have great memories as we celebrate this day. Happy birthday Kenny Mama


So much great of a person she is I enjoyed her company meeting her for the first time