Thank you DASA for Labadi Beach😍

in HiveGhanalast year


An adventurous life always gets you learning. Learning from the hard experiences or the good fun time you will have. In Vikings, where I saw the water waves and how they carried the ships, I saw their bravery even though I have never been to the sea. Yesterday was a different story and I will say the sailors of the sea, or the pirates should be hailed for their bravery. The sky is the only thing you see when you stand down, when you start moving you can only hope to get to land. What if you never get to land? Yet they always hoped.


Yesterday was a fun day at Labadi Beach. A place I have never seen before. I have only written so much about breezes from the beach. The coldness that comes from the waves and how they make the body calm and appreciative of the moment. Alhamdulillah for me being there yesterday.


Friends will always make a day blessed. Life with people to call a family is always a blessing. They affect your life in the little way possible yet you feel it. they make you feel the breeze of the sea even more. They made the day lovely. I was glad to be there. This was an adventure I never saw myself having. But I had it, got a family and a co-founder of an estate. Haha just kidding.


The only way we can keep believing life will be better is to find ways to laugh out the pain. The pain that stays in us should be excused and it's through our laughter that we can find hope. It was a great day with games that gave me a new reason not only to continue living but to keep believing that a day will come when we will smile without a bit of sadness but tears that will flow because of what life has taught us through the hard way.


Thanks for yesterday, family. Thank you DASA for always being a pillar in my life. Thanks for always giving me those opportunities to discover myself. Thanks for always showing me you will receive me anytime I come. Thanks for always being there. When the future remembers us, we will say DASA was one of the ladders we climbed to the top.

Thank you DASA.