Bitter Pill

in HiveGhana3 months ago

I won’t be surprised if statistics prove that this year recorded the highest number of breakups in the history of romantic relationships. All the people around me who were in romantic relationships are no more together. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing but I think most of the reasons for the breakups were funny.

Most people in this generation enter relationships for fun which I don’t see anything wrong with but my only problem is how they don’t realize the time and resources wastage accompanied by such things. Others also feel like “oh I’m too lonely so let me find a partner” and then they end up being in emotional distress even before starting.

The top hilarious reason for a breakup I heard was from this lady who said her boyfriend was too good to be true. I was a little confused because what exactly do you mean too good to be true. Was he imagined with AI or what?
She said the guy was doing everything she wanted. They weren’t having fights or arguments of any sorts. And even if they disagreed, the guy made sure they settled it before the next day.

In my opinion, I strongly believe that’s how love should be. Being in love or being with someone shouldn’t really be a hard thing to do. I mean there could be bad days but as far as you two want to be together, you should always find a way to settle issues. It’s kind of similar to having siblings. We all know how annoying siblings can be but in the end we always work out our issues with them.

And before you even say it’s different, let me just remind you that it’s still love we’re talking about. When you love someone, it’s easier for you to be there for them. No matter how tough things get, you still would want to be with them and do right by them. Come what May.

The tricky part in all of this is social media. Most people are under the impression that being with someone is a very smooth thing and the guy would always have to bring them a bouquet of flowers, fly to Paris for breakfast and ….. Aunty, wake up! I’m not going to tell you that what you see on the internet isn’t true but I’ll just say things are not as you see them. There’s always a complicated behind the scenes.

My parents have been together for 30+ years and watching them, I’ve come to realize that when you meet your person, loving is not really hard. They say love is blind for a reason. You’ll barely even notice his/her flaws and trust me, your person won’t even cause you pain in anyway. Love is very simple and beautiful. It might not be smooth but it’s really not as complicated as these Gen Zs make it seem.

Image is mine


I think that for young people who grew up with a cell phone and a screen in front of them, it is very difficult to relate because they grew up in a very different world from those of us who are over 30, things have changed a lot, but it is not that difficult either.

Yeah that’s true. They grew up seeing a lot of things on the internet and that’s also a factor.

Someone once said they'll skip GenZ in the history books and it's very possible. What's making you to say someone is too good to be true? If it's fictional, I'll understand because many of these fictional girls are sick😂

I wont be surprised if they skip Gen Z o
It’s just funny.

It’s crazy how people think love should always look perfect, like those Instagram posts with flowers and trips, but real love is so much deeper than that.

Yeah I agree. It’s way deeper than that.

Keep preaching the gospel babe 😘🙏🏿. Love is not hard, love is effortless and love is kind. Once it starts leading to chest pain, e dun commot from love.

Yes, from love to suicide. Definitely.

Getting yourself into a relationship because you feel lonely is crazy 😂, relationship pool these days can cause you trauma and you step into it because you feel lonely..

You know right.