Enjoyment Enjoyment Enjoy…

in HiveGhana3 months ago

You see that feeling you get when you are able to afford something you’ve been wanting for so long? Or how you feel when you finally have enough money to get that phone or car you’ve been eyeing for years. Especially if you actually had to starve for so many months just to be able to save up. Just imagine you reach a point in your life where you don’t have to do that $2 saving anymore because you have enough.

Two days ago, I was going somewhere with my friends and then one of them wanted play music in the car but the bluetooth wasn’t connecting so we decided to listen to whatever was playing on the radio. The first radio station had this argument about contentment or something like that.

It was a really interesting argument so we even forgot about the music station we were searching for. One of the presenters was saying that, we all live two lives. The first life is the normal life we live on basic needs and the second one is what we live when we can afford what our wants.

I was going to disagree with him but after thinking about it, I just agreed. I mean not that there are two lives literally, but then if you think about it, we all live a completely different life when we are at the point in our lives where we can only afford basic things. And then another completely different life when we are at the point where we can afford all that we desire.

I remember how different life is when I wake up not having the amount of money I want in my account. Sometimes, even the direction of the wind can get me angry. And I know I’m not the only one on this ship. Most of us get angry over unnecessary issues just because we don’t have money. The funny part is how we suddenly turn into great mathematicians, trying to figure out where our money went to.

But on days where there’s some small $5 in our accounts, we even turn the other cheek for anyone who slaps us. That life is what keeps me motivated when I’m down. I don’t want to have to calculate and think so much about how all my money got finished. I don’t want to have to think so much about my account before financially helping a loved one.

I could write a whole book about the things I want but who doesn’t want fine things in life because I know I do. I want to be able to wake up in Paris, have breakfast in Denver, lunch in Barcelona and supper in Australia. It’s not everyday that garri will be take over my life like what’s happening to @justfavour and @bipolar95.


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Curated by enginewitty

Thanks for the support

Thanks for the support

Come, let’s decide what to do with this lady.@bipolar95

Don't worry, on the 31st we will put her in a bag and dump her in a ship setting sale to Antarctica.

@abenad Because we told you small secret, you now exposed us.😭

I’m sorry please 🥲

What do you mean by us? 😳. @justfavour


Better be prepared to live in isolation, that's if you survive the cold... I want to see how you will continue to be a parrot 😑

Money can make so much difference in our lives and outlook on life. That dream of living without constant financial calculations is definitely something we can all strive for. Perosnally I want to be where I wouldn't have to worry so much about money. Hope we all achieve that in our lives.

Oh yeah and I hope it comes to pass for us very soon.

I was asking my friend for money and he asked me if I needed the money or if I wanted it. As an Economist I knew what he was trying to do so I told him both. I want money to need money lol.

What is Garri? Because I cannot relate 😑