From Lace To Lipstick

in HiveGhana9 months ago

No no, those are not my man’s shoes and neither is it for any of my brothers.( I don’t even have a man, sad right. A moment of silence for my singleness). Okay so you’re probably wondering, who is it for Abena, tell us.
Those are my favorite shoes in the whole world. Yeah, they are mine. I grew up amongst boys. I dressed like a boy for years. It got a time I thought I was a boy until I got to High School. I mean even in High school, I continued dressing like a boy because why not?. I heard a lot of Abena dress like a lady. Be a lady of virtue. Virtue for what?

My mom never had a problem because she thought I would snap out of it in university but naa, it got worse. So in school, I had my freedom and could wear whatever I wanted. I was known for street fits mostly. Okay no, I’m not here to explain what streets fits are before someone will come and use it to tease me in the end. The point is, it got worse in school because of the obvious reasons. There was nobody to tell me what to do.

Oh before I say anything, I dress like a girlie girl sometimes and I always look good. Of course you don’t expect me in boots when I’m going on a romantic dinner date with a guy. For some reason I find myself back to the same old-same old if you get me. That’s my comfort zone. I feel happy there but I know I really do not want to be there. I decided to embark on a full transition journey to dress full girlie girl now. Wear wigs, do make up, wear heels and dresses…. Oh I even went make up shopping but it looks like what I bought weren’t enough so I will go back.

Did I mention that I went for a whole wig shopping? Okay maybe saying wig shopping is ridiculous because I bought just one wig but I am that serious about the whole transition.It’s always nice to see friends dress up to go on dates and then there’s me who pulls up in my streets fit I mean come on girl. Anyway just so you know, my mom is so excited about this whole transition that I’m doing for myself.

I think she’s happy because it got to a time she felt like she had only sons and her daughter was missing but now? I’m back like I never left. Wait, did I even leave? Oh Abena, focus and stop being dramatic. I have everything I need actually. One thing I realized is that I have so many clothes that my mom bought for me and I never paid attention because they weren’t my type of clothes…(you should get this) but now that I’m doing this transition, I see how important they are.

Do you remember when I said I was going to explore my youth? This is part of the process and for now, I just want to be a girlie girl so let’s have it. I can’t wear street fits all my life. I’m growing up and I’m embracing the change that comes with it.


Somehow, I feel like you would wear boots when going on a romantic dinner date with a guy😂

Allow meeee🤣🤣🤣🤣

But maybe you should find out 🙃

Would you want me to find out? 🙃

No please😂

Lol..I feel you should just go with whatever makes you comfortable.

Lol…growth is not comfortable
Can’t stay in my comfort zone if I want to grow🙂

Hmmm... that's a great one. I wish you all the best.

I love wearing boys' outfits too, but since I'm a sewist, I have to sew a lot of girlie styles, to advertise my brand but guys' clothes are the most comfortable ever!
Anyways happy transition, you should drop a makeup tutorial haha so I can learn from you 😂

The makeup ehhh🤣🤣🤣

As we see it Like that, it’s not a joke o🤣🤣🤣

Don’t worry I’ll drop tutorials when I learn it🤣🤣🤣

Abena, they said be a woman of virtue.😂😂

I’ve come to learn that people would talk no matter what you do so just be you.

Who virtue help🤣


I feel that everyone has their style but our society has made it look like a girl is supposed to wear this and a guy is supposed to wear that.

What best fits you is what you need to go with. But you are not following me to a date with that shoe sweetheart 😂🤣

I accepted to go on a date with you?


But they are nice shoes you know ? But not the ideal one for a date

I don’t think I can ever leave street fits. They are so comfortable and these girly clothes just don’t give that freedom

You know the vibesss